Oskar Müller (25 June 1896 – 14 January 1970) was a German politician who was the first employment minister in Hesse after World War II.
Early career
Müller was born in Wohlau in Prussian Silesia as the son of a farmer. He fought in World War I and became an officer. After the war, he joined the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). Later, he was selected into the Prussian federal state parliament, to which he belonged until 1933. Beginning in 1928 Müller worked several years as an organization leader of the KPD in Hesse.
World War II
Registration form of Oskar Müller as a prisoner at Dachau Nazi Concentration Camp
When the Nazi Party came to power, Müller was declared one of their enemies. On 22 November 1933 the Gestapo arrested him. He spent three years in a penitentiary and was held until 1939 at Sachsenhausen. From June 1939 by August 1944 he found accommodation in the Offenbacher leather industry as an employee. In August 1944, he was again arrested for resisting the Nazis and imprisoned at Dachau.[1]
Post-war years
Although detention in the concentration camps had weakened Müller's health, he eagerly assisted in the reconstruction of Germany. In October 1945 he became a minister for work and welfare under Prime Minister Karl Geiler, but was replaced in 1947.
Müller concentrated on party work. In 1948, he again became a regional chairman of the KPD. In 1949 he was laid off, but remained part of the party executive committee of the KPD.
From 1949–1953 Müller belonged to the German Bundestag. He was briefly arrested in 1953. Since that time he worked as one of the presidents and as a Secretary-General of the anti-fascist Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes (VVN).
Müller was a developer of the Hesse constitution, which carries his signature. Articles 41 and 42 plan the transfer of the large-scale industry in common property. Lockout was forbidden by the constitution.
In agreement and in constant consultation with the trade unions by the Ministry of Labour, an exemplary works council law was created, in which participation in equal numbers was fully embodied. The Hessian constitution was well-admired and used as a model by other states.
Wessel (from 14 December 1951 FU, from 13 November 1952 Non-attached (GVP))
Willenberg (from 26 October 1950, from 14 December 1951 FU)
Dorls (from 13 December 1950 WAV-Gast, from 17 January 1951 WAV, from 26 September 1951 Non-attached, am 23 October 1952 Mandatsaberkennung)
Frommhold (from 7 September 1949 Nationale Rechte, from 5 October 1950 Non-attached (DRP), from 26 March 1952 DP-Gast, from 11 February 1953 Non-attached)
Miessner (from 5 October 1950 FDP-Gast, from 20 December 1950 FDP)
Rößler (from 15 September 1949 Nationale Rechte, from 6 September 1950 Non-attached, from 13 December 1950 WAV-Gast, from 17 January 1951 WAV, from 26 September 1951 Non-attached, until 21 February 1952)
Thadden (from 15 September 1949 Nationale Rechte; 1950 DRP, from 20 April 1950 Non-attached)
Clausen (from 23 January 1952 FU-Gast, from 3 July 1953 Non-attached)
Ott (Non-attached, from 4 May 1950 WAV-Gast, from 13 October 1950 BHE/DG, from 21 March 1952 Non-attached, from 26 March 1952 DP/DPB-Gast, from 26 June 1952 Non-attached)