Silver Rattasepp (sündinud 14. juunil 1978) on eesti semiootik ja tõlkija. Endine ja esimene trummar Eesti folk metal ansamblis Metsatöll.



Eesti keeles

Inglise keeles

  • Rattasepp, Silver 2010. The idea of extended organism in 20th century thought. Hortus Semioticus 6.
  • Kull, Kalevi; Maran, Timo; Rattasepp, Silver 2012. The 12th Gatherings in Biosemiotics: Tartu, Estonia, July 16–21, 2012. In: Rattasepp, Silver; Bennett, Tyler (eds.), Gatherings in Biosemiotics. (Tartu Semiotics Library 11.) Tartu: University of Tartu Press, 121–125.
  • Rattasepp, Silver 2014. The anthropological machine and the absence of animals. In: Pauknerová, Karolína; Stella, Marco; Gibas, Petr (eds.), Non-humans in Social Science: Ontologies, Theories and Case Studies. Prague: Pavel Mervart, 29–45.
  • Rattasepp, Silver; Kull, Kalevi 2015. Semiotics. In: Cook, Daniel Thomas; Ryan, J. Michael (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies. John Wiley & Sons, 492–495.
  • Rattasepp, Silver; Kull, Kalevi 2016. The semiotic species: Deelying with animals in philosophy. The American Journal of Semiotics 32(1/4): 35–48.


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