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$( function () {
function getTimestamps( revids, getPrev ) {
return new mw.Api().get( {
action: "query",
prop: "deletedrevisions",
revids: revids,
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data.query.pages[0].deletedrevisions.forEach( function ( rev ) {
timestamps[rev.revid] = rev.timestamp;
} );
if( getPrev ) {
var parents = data.query.pages[0] function ( rev ) {
return rev.parentid;
} ).join( "|" );
return getTimestamps( parents, false ).then( function ( data ) {
for( var revid in data.timestamps ) {
timestamps[revid] = data.timestamps[revid];
return {
title: data.title,
timestamps: timestamps,
} );
} else {
return $.when( {
title: data.query.pages[0].title,
timestamps: timestamps,
} );
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revids += oldid;
if( Number( diff ) ) {
if( revids ) {
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var getPrev = !oldid;
getTimestamps( revids, getPrev ).then( function ( data ) {
var oldidTimestamp = oldid && data.timestamps[oldid];
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for( var revid in data.timestamps ) {
if( revid !== diff ) {
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target: data.title,
timestamp: oldidTimestamp,
diff: data.timestamps[diff] || diff,
} ) )
.text( "You can view it here" ) )
.append( "." ) ) );
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.attr( "href", mw.util.getUrl( "Special:Undelete", {
target: data.title,
timestamp: data.timestamps[oldid],
} ) )
.text( "You can view it here" ) )
.append( "." ) ) );
} )
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