There are 6,959,822 so far in the Wikipedia.

My Wikipedia activity

WikipediaDono suport al chapter
Wikimedia CAT.
I vós? .

I support the Wikimedia CAT chapter.
Don't you? .
Icon This user has been on Wikipedia for 17 years and 24 days.
RaccoonThis user is a mammal.

My Wikipedia-relevant biographical facts

caAquest usuari té el català com a llengua materna.
en-5This user can contribute with a professional level of English.
es-4El nivel de este usuario corresponde al de un hablante casi nativo del español.
fr-3Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau avancé de français.
it-2Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello intermedio di italiano.
oc-1Aqueste utilizaire pòt contribuir amb un nivèl basic d'occitan.
eo-1Ĉi tiu uzanto povas komuniki per baza nivelo de Esperanto.
pt-1Este usuário/utilizador pode contribuir com um nível básico de português.
de-1Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
la-1Hic usor simplici latinitate contribuere potest.
This user is a translator from {{{1}}} to English on Wikipedia:Translation.
This user is an enthusiastic reader.
Logo of Wikidata, a bar code with red, green, and blue stripesThis user is an editor on Wikidata.

My Wikipedia-relevant beliefs

This user contributes using GNU.
This user contributes using Linux.
This user knows that
Facts Matter
A, B and CThis user prefers not to use the Oxford comma.
This user supports the use of transclusion for consolidation.
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let them know.
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