The eighth season of The Voice Brasil, premieres on Rede Globo on July 30, 2019 in the 10:30 / 9:30 p.m. (BRT / AMT) slot immediately following the primetime telenovela A Dona do Pedaço.[1][2]

Ivete Sangalo, Lulu Santos and Michel Teló are joined by pop singer Iza, who replaced Carlinhos Brown, thus making it the first season to have two female coaches. With Brown's departure, Lulu serves as the last remaining coach from the show's inaugural season.[3][4]

Tony Gordon was announced the winner of the season on October 3, 2019, making him the fourth stolen artist to win in the show's history after Samantha Ayara in the sixth season, Mylena Jardim in the fifth season, and Danilo Reis & Rafael in the third season, as well as the oldest winner in the entire The Voice franchise to date (at the age of 53). Gordon's victory also marks a fifth straight win for Michel Teló, who became the first coach in the world to win five consecutive times.


Coaches Top 64 artists
Michel Teló
Tony Gordon Mobi Colombo Bia Ferraz Tatila Krau Bruna de Paula Élri El
Fabiana Oliveira Litha Maria Kamila Samuel Marques Yolanda de Paulo Heloísa Ribeiro
Winnie Bruna Farias Fernando Junior Isabella Arantes Nina Oliveira Regiane Balena
Rosana Brown
Ivete Sangalo
Willian Kessley Ramon & Rafael Rebeca Lindsay Samara Alves Camilla Marotti Carol Naemi
Catarina Rosa Heloísa Ribeiro Luiz Celestino Mariella Steici Lauser Larissa Marinonio
Mari Bodas Adrya Almeida Clara Castro Déia Silva Filipe Shimizu Maria Luiza
Marielly Santos
Ana Ruth Edyelle Brandão Alexa Marrie Luana Berti Lara Alanys Mari Bodas
Aaron Modesto Larissa Marinonio Marta Souza NoElle Winnie Élri El
Gaby Olliver Larissa Mendes Pollyana Caires Tony Gordon Willian Kessley Amanda Magalhães
Karine Rayne
Lulu Santos
Lúcia Muniz Pollyana Caires EL1 Paula Araújo Gaby Olliver Flora Cruz
Dan Abranches Larissa Mendes Pâmella Lopes Rik Oliveira Tamires Santana Camilla Marotti
Tatila Krau Carol Coutas Dani Vendramini Luana Lima Luciano Bhea Samara Bueno
Vidal Assis
Note: Italicized names are stolen artists (names struck through within former teams).

Blind auditions

In this season, the number of blocks available per coach was raised, from one block to two blocks.

   Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button
     Artist defaulted to a coach's team
     Artist picked a coach's team
     Artist eliminated with no coach pressing their button
   Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button, but was "blocked" by Teló
   Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button, but was "blocked" by Ivete
   Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button, but was "blocked" by Iza
   Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button, but was "blocked" by Lulu

Episode 1 (July 30)

Order Artist Age Hometown Song Coach's and contestant's choices
Teló Ivete Iza Lulu
1 Tony Gordon 53 São Paulo "You Are So Beautiful"
2 Carol Coutas 32 Petrópolis "Brasil"
3 Maria Kamila 29 João Pessoa "Feira do Mangaio"
4 Alexa Marie 46 São Paulo "Somebody Else's Guy"
5 Clara Castro 22 Prado "Is This Love"
6 Bruna de Paula 25 Rio de Janeiro "Malandro"
7 Monique Elen 27 Maringá "Radioactive"
8 Fernando Junior 30 São Paulo "Trovão"
9 Paula Araújo 23 Passo Fundo "Bohemian Rhapsody"
10 Rebeca Lindsay 28 Belém "Disk Me"

Episode 2 (Aug. 1)

Order Artist Age Hometown Song Coach's and contestant's choices
Teló Ivete Iza Lulu
1 Lara Alanys 18 São Paulo "Crazy in Love"
2 Luciano Bhea 48 Rio de Janeiro "Esperando Aviões"
3 Steici Lauser 17 Sapiranga "River"
4 Willian Kessley 26 Goiânia "Pra Você Acreditar"
5 Mobi Colombo 17 Maringá "Naked"
6 Jullie Costa 24 Rio de Janeiro "Por Onde Andei"
7 Regiane Balena 25 Quilombo "Ciumeira"
8 Edyelle Brandão 21 Valença "Who's Loving You"
9 Samara Bueno 30 Americana "You Got It"
10 Ramon & Rafael 18–19 São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo "Péssimo Negócio"
11 Litha 28 Blumenau "Sete Vidas"
12 Carol Naemi 20 Maringá "It's a Man's Man's Man's World"

Episode 3 (Aug. 6)

Order Artist Age Hometown Song Coach's and contestant's choices
Teló Ivete Iza Lulu
1 Camilla Marotti 28 Rio de Janeiro "Fallin'"
2 Stefanny Massena 20 Conceição do Coité "Flor e o Beija-Flor"
3 Mariella 27 Campinas "Dindi"
4 NoElle 30 Salvador "Born This Way"
5 Élri El 30 Taubaté "Lay Me Down"
6 Bia Ferraz 23 Goiânia "Sorte Que Cê Beija Bem"
7 Luana Lima 19 Goiânia "Bad Liar"
8 Pollyana Caires 17 Espinosa "When the Party's Over"
9 Nina Oliveira 22 Guarulhos "Festa"
10 Ana Ruth 18 Juazeiro do Norte "Sozinho"
11 Patrick Vieira 26 Rio de Janeiro "Não Precisa Mudar"
12 Pâmella Lopes 24 Barra Mansa "Me and Mr. Jones"
13 Déia Silva 25 Boa Esperança "Partido Alto"

Episode 4 (Aug. 8)

Order Artist Age Hometown Song Coach's and contestant's choices
Teló Ivete Iza Lulu
1 Rik Oliveira 39 Petrópolis "Blame It on the Boogie"
2 Isabella Arantes 20 Goiânia "Deixa Ela Saber"
3 Jô Borges 54 Maricá "Acreditar"
4 Samara Alves 18 Praia do Zumbi "I'm Not The Only One"
5 Amanda Magalhães 25 Feira de Santana "Quando Fui Chuva"
6 Yolanda de Paulo 27 Ribeirão Preto "Desperdiçou"
7 Catarina Rosa 34 Recife "The Show Must Go On"
8 Flora Cruz 22 Florianópolis "Baba"
9 Maria Luiza 25 Porto Alegre "Tristeza Pé No Chão"
10 Isis Raylanne 17 Potengi "Foi Deus Quem Fez Você"
11 EL1 26 Ituverava "Essa Mina É Louca"
12 Mari Bodas 19 Rio de Janeiro "Apaga a Luz"
13 Vidal Assis 34 Rio de Janeiro "Estácio, Holly Estácio"
14 Karine Rayne 20 Ipatinga "Dona de Mim"

Episode 5 (Aug. 13)

Order Artist Age Hometown Song Coach's and contestant's choices
Teló Ivete Iza Lulu
1 Gaby Olliver 30 São Paulo "Assim Que Se Faz"
2 Dani Vendramini 42 Porto Alegre "You Give Me Something"
3 Samuel Marques 21 Salvador "Feeling Good"
4 Adrya Almeida 31 Cuiabá "Os Outros"
5 Lúcia Muniz 16 Montes Claros "Lonely Day"
6 Thais Badu 30 Belém "Jeito Sexy (Shy Guy)"
7 Marta Souza 38 Taboão da Serra "One Night Only"
8 Heloísa Ribeiro 18 Crato "A Vida do Viajante"
9 Lua 22 Salvador "Toxic"
10 Tamires Santana 29 Salvador "Estranha Loucura"
11 Luiz Celestino 32 Ituverava "Codinome Beija-Flor"
12 Larissa Mendes 26 Belo Horizonte "Era Uma Vez"
13 Juliana Pagung 34 Rio de Janeiro "Eva"

Episode 6 (Aug. 15)

Order Artist Age Hometown Song Coach's and contestant's choices
Teló Ivete Iza Lulu
1 Fabiana Oliveira 41 Goiânia "Estranho"
2 Luana Berti 21 Florianópolis "Tá ****"
3 Larissa Marinonio 29 Niterói "Virtual Insanity"
4 Gabriel Guarate 20 Porto Velho "Ainda Bem"
5 Winnie 27 Aracaju "Talking to the Moon"
6 Tatila Krau 24 Nova Friburgo "Set Fire to the Rain"
7 Marielly Santos 22 Santo Antônio do Amparo "Paciência"
8 Aaron Modesto 19 Carapicuíba "Eu Juro"
9 Carol Santilia 27 São Paulo "Dom de Iludir" Team full
10 Filipe Shimizu 29 Humaitá "Final Feliz"
11 Rosana Brown 46 Brasília "Quem Te Disse Que Eu Te Esqueço" Team full
12 Dan Abranches 28 Vitória "Believer"
13 Bruna Farias 29 São Paulo "Beautiful" Team full

The Battles

The 'block' twist, added in the Battles from last season, is returning in the Battle rounds. With this twist, each coach can use once to prevent one of the other coaches from getting a contestant in the "steals". Each coach has three steals.

       Artist won the Battle and advanced to the Showdowns
       Artist lost the Battle but was stolen by another coach and advanced to the Showdowns
       Artist lost the Battle and was eliminated
   Coach pressed "STEAL" button, but was "blocked" by Teló
   Coach pressed "STEAL" button, but was "blocked" by Ivete
   Coach pressed "STEAL" button, but was "blocked" by Iza
   Coach pressed "STEAL" button, but was "blocked" by Lulu
Episode Coach Order Winner Song Loser Steal result
Teló Ivete Iza Lulu
Episode 7
(August 20, 2019)
Iza 1 Edyelle Brandão "The Closer I Get to You" Élri El N/A
Ivete Sangalo 2 Catarina Rosa "Mais Ninguém" Clara Castro N/A
Lulu Santos 3 Dan Abranches "Try" Carol Coutas N/A
Iza 4 Aaron Modesto "Morena" Willian Kessley N/A
Michel Teló 5 Samuel Marques "Coisa de Pele" Fernando Junior N/A
Ivete Sangalo 6 Samara Alves "Best Part" Larissa Marinonio N/A
Episode 8
(August 22, 2019)
Lulu Santos 1 Pâmella Lopes "Dangerous Woman" Camilla Marotti N/A
Ivete Sangalo 2 Mariella "Madalena" Maria Luiza N/A
Ivete Sangalo 3 Carol Naemi "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" Filipe Shimizu
Michel Teló 4 Fabiana Oliveira "Bem Me Quer" Nina Oliveira N/A
Iza 5 Ana Ruth "Easy" Tony Gordon N/A
Lulu Santos 6 Rik Oliveira "Se Eu Quiser Falar Com Deus" Dani Vendramini N/A
Episode 9
(August 27, 2019)
Iza 1 Alexa Marrie "I'm Every Woman" Gaby Olliver N/A
Ivete Sangalo 2 Ramon & Rafael "Ao Vivo e a Cores" Marielly Santos N/A
Michel Teló 3 Litha "Crazy" Bruna Farias N/A
Michel Teló 4 Maria Kamilla "Coração Bobo" Heloísa Ribeiro
Lulu Santos 5 Tamires Santana "A Carne" Luciano Bhea Team full N/A
Iza 6 NoElle "Toda Forma de Amor" Amanda Magalhães N/A
Episode 10
(August 29, 2019)
Michel Teló 1 Bia Ferraz "Se Deus Me Ouvisse" Regiane Balena N/A Team full
Lulu Santos 2 Paula Araújo "The Phantom of the Opera" Samara Bueno N/A
Ivete Sangalo 3 Luiz Celestino "Um Dia de Domingo" Déia Silva
Lulu Santos 4 Lúcia Muniz "Decode" Tatila Krau N/A
Michel Teló 5 Bruna de Paula "Coração em Desalinho" Rosana Brown Team full
Iza 6 Lara Alanys "N" Pollyana Caires N/A
Episode 11
(September 3, 2019)
Ivete Sangalo 1 Rebeca Lindsay "De Quem É A Culpa?" Adrya Almeida Team full Team full
Michel Teló 2 Mobi Colombo "Fix You" Isabella Arantes
Iza 3 Luana Berti "Onde Anda Você" Larissa Mendes N/A
Lulu Santos 4 Flora Cruz "Lanterna dos Afogados" Luana Lima Team full
Ivete Sangalo 5 Steici Lauser "Shallow" Mari Bodas
Iza 6 Marta Souza "Espelho" Karine Rayne N/A
Lulu Santos 7 EL1 "Na Rua, Na Chuva, Na Fazenda" Vidal Assis
Michel Teló 8 Yolanda de Paulo "Sign of the Times" Winnie

The Showdowns

       Artist won the Showdown and advanced to the Live shows
       Artist lost the Showdown and was eliminated
Episode Coach Order Song Artists Song Order
Winner(s) Loser
Episode 12
(September 5, 2019)
Michel Teló 2 "What a Wonderful World" Tony Gordon Fabiana Oliveira "Notificação Preferida" 1
Lulu Santos 4 "My Everything" Flora Cruz Dan Abranches "Blues da Piedade" 3
5 "My Immortal" Lúcia Muniz
Ivete Sangalo 7 "Parado no Bailão" Ramon & Rafael Heloísa Ribeiro "Sebastiana" 6
Lulu Santos 8 "Bem Querer" EL1 Larissa Mendes "Seu Crime" 9
Iza 10 "I Care" Edyelle Brandão Winnie "Onde Você Mora" 11
Episode 13
(September 10, 2019)
Michel Teló 1 "A Song For You" Élri El Litha "Gita" 2
Iza 3 "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)" Ana Ruth NoElle "Amanhã é 23" 5
4 "Love on the Brain" Lara Alanys
Ivete Sangalo 6 "All Night Long (All Night)" Carol Naemi Steici Lauser "Dancing with a Stranger" 7
Iza 9 "Eu Só Preciso Ser" Mari Bodas Aaron Modesto "Café" 8
Lulu Santos 10 "Pra Me Refazer" Pollyana Caires Rik Oliveira "Sincero" 11
Episode 14
(September 12, 2019)
Ivete Sangalo 2 "Atrasadinha" Willian Kessley Luiz Celestino "País Tropical" 1
Michel Teló 3 "Juízo Final" Bruna de Paula Samuel Marques "Retalhos de Cetim" 5
4 "Amor de Índio" Mobi Colombo
Iza 7 "Vai Malandra" Luana Berti Larissa Marinonio "Malemolência" 6
Lulu Santos 9 "Always Remember Us This Way" Paula Araújo Pâmella Lopes "Don't Wanna Fight" 8
Michel Teló 11 "Pride (In the Name of Love)" Tatila Krau Maria Kamilla "Tenho Sede" 10
Episode 15
(September 17, 2019)
Ivete Sangalo 1 "Gravity" Camilla Marotti Catarina Rosa "Pro Dia Nascer Feliz" 2
3 "Regime Fechado" Rebeca Lindsay
Michel Teló 4 "Cobaia" Bia Ferraz Yolanda de Paulo "Somewhere Only We Know" 5
Iza 6 "Hora da União" Alexa Marrie Marta Souza "I'll Make Love To You" 7
Lulu Santos 8 "Ritmo Perfeito" Gaby Olliver Tamires Santana "Faraó, Divindade do Egito" 9
Ivete Sangalo 11 "Ribbon In The Sky" Samara Alves Mariella "Olhos Nos Olhos" 10

Live shows

Elimination chart

Artist's info
Result details
Live show results per week
Artist Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday
Tony Gordon Safe Safe Advanced Winner
Ana Ruth Safe Safe Advanced Runner-up
Lúcia Muniz Safe Safe Advanced Third place
Willian Kessley Safe Safe Advanced Fourth place
Edyelle Brandão Safe Safe Eliminated Eliminated (week 3)
Mobi Colombo Safe Safe Eliminated
Pollyana Caires Safe Safe Eliminated
Ramon & Rafael Safe Safe Eliminated
Alexa Marrie Safe Eliminated Eliminated (week 2)
Bia Ferraz Safe Eliminated
EL1 Safe Eliminated
Luana Berti Safe Eliminated
Paula Araujo Safe Eliminated
Rebeca Lindsay Safe Eliminated
Samara Alves Safe Eliminated
Tatila Krau Safe Eliminated
Camilla Marotti Eliminated Eliminated (week 2)
Élri El Eliminated
Gaby Olliver Eliminated
Lara Alanys Eliminated
Bruna de Paula Eliminated Eliminated (week 1)
Carol Naemi Eliminated
Flora Cruz Eliminated
Mari Bodas Eliminated

Week 1

Live Playoffs 1

Episode Coach Order Artist Song Result
Episode 16
(September 19, 2019)
Ivete Sangalo 1 Carol Naemi "Erva Venenosa" Eliminated
2 Ramon & Rafael "Mulher Maravilha" Public's vote (51.22%)
3 Willian Kessley "Treasure" Coach's choice
Iza 4 Ana Ruth "Oceano" Public's vote (61.12%)
5 Edyelle Brandão "What a Girl Wants" Coach's choice
6 Mari Bodas "Something's Got a Hold on Me" Eliminated
Lulu Santos 7 EL1 "Encontrar Alguém" Coach's choice
8 Flora Cruz "Wave" Eliminated
9 Pollyana Caires "Home" Public's vote (45.23%)
Michel Teló 10 Bia Ferraz "Can't Help Falling In Love" Coach's choice
11 Bruna de Paula "Sorriso Aberto" Eliminated
12 Tony Gordon "Você" Public's vote (53.12%)

Week 2

Live Playoffs 2

Episode Coach Order Artist Song Result
Episode 17
(September 24, 2019)
Iza 1 Alexa Marrie "Deeper Love" Coach's choice
2 Lara Alanys "Bang" Eliminated
3 Luana Berti "O Tempo não Pára" Public's vote (67.49%)
Ivete Sangalo 4 Camilla Marotti "Close to You" Eliminated
5 Rebeca Lindsay "Somebody to Love" Public's vote (55.70%)
6 Samara Alves "Por Enquanto" Coach's choice
Lulu Santos 7 Gaby Olliver "Meu Talismã" Eliminated
8 Lúcia Muniz "Equalize" Public's vote (49.77%)
9 Paula Araújo "The Sound of Silence" Coach's choice
Michel Teló 10 Élri El "Say Something" Eliminated
11 Mobi Colombo "Apenas Mais Uma de Amor" Coach's choice
12 Tatila Krau "Tente Outra Vez" Public's vote (37.70%)


Episode Coach Order Artist Song Result
Episode 18
(September 26, 2019)
Lulu Santos 1 EL1 "Let's Stay Together" Eliminated
2 Lúcia Muniz "Never Enough" Public's vote (36.87%)
3 Paula Araújo "Planeta Água" Eliminated
4 Pollyana Caires "Corcovado" Coach's choice
Ivete Sangalo 5 Ramon & Rafael "Pais e Filhos" Public's vote (33.45%)
6 Rebeca Lindsay "O Que Falta em Você Sou Eu" Eliminated
7 Samara Alves "Skyfall" Eliminated
8 Willian Kessley "Desafio" Coach's choice
Michel Teló 9 Bia Ferraz "Nem Tchum" Eliminated
10 Mobi Colombo "True Colors" Coach's choice
11 Tatila Krau "Dois Rios" Eliminated
12 Tony Gordon "Unforgettable" Public's vote (37.46%)
Iza 13 Alexa Marrie "Finally" Eliminated
14 Ana Ruth "Uma Brasileira" Public's vote (44.33%)
15 Edyelle Brandão "Travessia" Coach's choice
16 Luana Berti "Ela Vai Voltar" Eliminated

Week 3


Episode Coach Order Artist Song Result
Episode 19
(October 1, 2019)
Ivete Sangalo 1 Ramon & Rafael "Que Sorte a Nossa" 44.38 00.00 44.38
2 Willian Kessley "Refém" 55.62 20.00 75.62
Iza 3 Ana Ruth "Fim de Tarde" 68.83 00.00 68.83
4 Edyelle Brandão "One Moment in Time" 31.17 20.00 51.17
Lulu Santos 5 Lúcia Muniz "Crawling" 57.18 20.00 77.18
6 Pollyana Caires "idontwannabeyouanymore" 42.82 00.00 42.82
Michel Teló 7 Mobi Colombo "Será" 36.80 00.00 36.80
8 Tony Gordon "With a Little Help from My Friends" 63.20 20.00 83.20


Episode Coach Artist Order Song Order Song Result[5]
Episode 20
(October 3, 2019)
Iza Ana Ruth 1 "Pesadão" 5 "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"
(with Edyelle Brandão)
Lulu Santos Lúcia Muniz 2 "O Amor e o Poder" 6 "Um Pro Outro"
(with Tatila Krau)
Third place
Michel Teló Tony Gordon 3 "O Portão" 7 "Hey Jude"
(with Samara Alves)
Ivete Sangalo Willian Kessley 4 "Deixa Tudo Como Tá" 8 "All Star"
(with Rebeca Lindsay)
Fourth place

Ratings and reception

Brazilian ratings

All numbers are in points and provided by Kantar Ibope Media.

Episode Title Air date Timeslot SP viewers
(in points)
BR viewers
(in points)
1 The Blind Auditions 1 July 30, 2019 Tuesday 10:30 p.m. 24.6 23.8 [6]
2 The Blind Auditions 2 August 1, 2019 Thursday 10:30 p.m. 24.1
3 The Blind Auditions 3 August 6, 2019 Tuesday 10:30 p.m. 26.9 24.8 [7]
4 The Blind Auditions 4 August 8, 2019 Thursday 10:30 p.m. 26.1
5 The Blind Auditions 5 August 13, 2019 Tuesday 10:30 p.m. 26.6 23.3 [8]
6 The Blind Auditions 6 August 15, 2019 Thursday 10:30 p.m. 26.9
7 The Battles 1 August 20, 2019 Tuesday 10:30 p.m. 26.7 24.5 [9]
8 The Battles 2 August 22, 2019 Thursday 10:30 p.m. 25.5
9 The Battles 3 August 27, 2019 Tuesday 10:30 p.m. 24.9 24.2 [10]
10 The Battles 4 August 29, 2019 Thursday 10:30 p.m. 26.7
11 The Battles 5 September 3, 2019 Tuesday 10:30 p.m. 24.7 24.0 [11]
12 Showdown 1 September 5, 2019 Thursday 10:30 p.m. 25.8
13 Showdown 2 September 10, 2019 Tuesday 10:30 p.m. 27.0 24.5 [12]
14 Showdown 3 September 12, 2019 Thursday 10:30 p.m. 24.8
15 Showdown 4 September 17, 2019 Tuesday 10:30 p.m. 21.7 21.0 [13]
16 Live Playoffs 1 September 19, 2019 Thursday 10:30 p.m. 22.6
17 Live Playoffs 2 September 24, 2019 Tuesday 10:30 p.m. 23.0 21.7 [14]
18 Quarterfinals September 26, 2019 Thursday 10:30 p.m. 24.2
19 Semifinals October 1, 2019 Tuesday 10:30 p.m. 24.2 23.3 [15]
20 Finals October 3, 2019 Thursday 10:30 p.m. 24.7
  • In 2019, each point represents 254.892 households in 15 market cities in Brazil (73.015 households in São Paulo).


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