Montserrat Abelló i Soler (1 February 1918 – 9 September 2014)[1] was a Catalan poet and translator. During the Spanish Civil War, she lived in exile in France, England and Chile.
English to Catalan
A graduate in English philology, Abelló i Soler has produced a number of notable translations into Catalan of English writers and poets including:
Catalan to English
Abelló i Soler has also produced translations from Catalan to English of writers including:
Written works
Abelló i Soler has also written a number of books of poetry:
- Vida diària ("Daily life") (1963)
- Vida diària: Paraules no dites ("Daily Life: Words not said") (1981)
- El blat del temps ("The Wheat of Time") (1986)
- Foc a les mans ("Fire in Hand") (1990)
- L’arrel de l’aigua ("The Root of Water") (1995)
- Son màscares que m’emprovo ("Masks of Sleep that I Try") (1995)
- Dins l’esfera del temps ("In the Sphere of Time") (1998) which won the Gold Critica Serra prize in 1999.
- Asseguda escrivint ("Seated Writing") (2004)
- Memoria de tu i de mi ("Memories of You and Me") (2006)
In 2002, her poetry was compiled in Al cor de les paraules: obra poètica 1963-2002 ("In the Heart of Words: Poetic Works 1963-2002"), which in 2003 won several Catalan literary prizes.
She has also contributed to anthologies of writing and poetry:
- Cares a la finestra: 20 dones poetes de parla anglesa del segle XX ("Faces in the Window: 20 English Women Poets of the 20th century") (1993)
- Cartografies del desig: Quinze escriptores i el seu món ("Cartography of Desire: Fifteen writers and their world") (1998)
- Memoria de l’aigua: Onze escriptores i el seu món ("Memories of Water: Eleven writers and their world") (1999)
- Paisatge emergent ("Emergent Landscape") (1999).
- "Creu de Sant Jordi" (the Cross of Saint George) for her work as a translator (1998).
- "Premi d'Honor de les Lletres Catalanes" (Catalan Letters Lifetime Achievement Award) (2008).
External links
- Montserrat Abelló at the Association of Catalan Language Writers (AELC). In English, Catalan and Spanish
- Webpage devoted to Montserrat Abelló at LletrA (UOC), Catalan Literature Online) (English)
- Diccionari de la Literatura Catalana, 2008
- ^ Muere Montserrat Abelló (in Spanish)