Matsuno Chikanobu, ink and colours on silk, kakemono 37" by 14", painted between 1704 and 1716 : Parading Courtesan.
Matsuno Chikanobu (松野親信, fl. 1720s) was a Japanese painter of the Kaigetsudō school of ukiyo-e art. Believed to be one of the most popular painters of his time, his work, very much in the Kaigetsudō style, consists largely of bijin-ga (pictures of beautiful ladies) and features bright colors and exquisite kimono fashions.
He is believed to have worked closely with Baiōken Eishun, another Kaigetsudō artist whose style shows significant similarities.
Lane, Richard (1978). Images of the Floating World. Old Saybrook, CT: Konecky & Konecky.