Standard gauge L268 in its unique experimental Westrail blue livery, at Leighton marshalling yard, 1986.

This is a list of Western Australian locomotive classes, being classes of locomotive that have worked on railways in Western Australia.

The majority of Western Australian steam locomotive classes were operated by the Western Australian Government Railways (WAGR). Regularly scheduled steam working ceased on WAGR mainline operations after 1971 - with only special excursion or enthusiasts trains being hauled by steam after that time.[1]

Other significant operators include the Commonwealth Railways, the Midland Railway Company of Western Australia and State Saw Mills. Many private organisations also operated steam locomotives in Western Australia.


Western Australian Government Railway

Serial numbers

Tender Locomotives

A 2-6-0 3–5, 10–11, 15–16, 21, 31 Beyer, Peacock & Company 1883 14 2
C 4-6-0 264–275 Baldwin
1902 20 0
Ca 4-6-2 431–440 Midland Workshops 1915 20 0
E/Es 4-6-2 291–355 Nasmyth, Wilson & Company (15),
Vulcan Foundry (30),
North British Locomotive Company (20)
1902 65 1
Ec 4-6-2 236–255 Baldwin
1901 20 0 Rebuilt as L class in 1924
F/Fs 4-8-0 276–290, 356-367, 394–423 Dübs & Company (15)

North British Locomotive Company (42)
19655-19666, 20083-20112

1902 57 2
G 2-6-0/4-6-0 17, 32–33, 42–49, 51–61, 64–68, 109–112, 126–132, 156–161, 233–235 (2-6-0)

48–50, 107–198, 111–125, 133–137 (4-6-0)

Beyer, Peacock & Company (7),
James Martin & Co (29)
Neilson & Company (12)
1889 72 7 Based on 1888 locomotive design "Silver King"
J 4-6-0 28–30 Kitson & Company
1891 3 0
L 4-6-2 236–255 (1st), 471–490 (2nd) Midland Workshops 1924 20 0 Major rebuild from Ec class
M 2-6-0 23–24 Kitson & Company
1876 2 0
O 2-8-0T&T 74–100, 208–226 Dübs & Company (36)
4932-5067, 5188-5196

Neilson & Company (10)

1896 46 0 5 rebuilt as Oa, 10 rebuilt as N
Oa 2-8-0T&T 2, 5–6, 24, 33, 158–161, 219 (1st), 171–179 (2nd) Midland Railway Workshops 1909 10 1 5 built new, 5 rebuilt from O
P (1896) 4-4-0 62–63 James Martin & Co
1896 2 0 1912/1929 Sold to Midland Railway of Western Australia in 1912.
P 4-6-2 441–465 (1st), 501–517 (2nd) North British Locomotive Company (10)

Midland Workshops (15)

1924 25 1 1968–69 8 rebuilt to Pr class
Pr 4-6-2 138–147, 453–464(1st), 521–538 (2nd) Midland Workshops 1938 10 (new),
8 (r/b P)
1 1967–70
Pm and Pmr 4-6-2 701–735 North British Locomotive Company
1949 35 6 Final 16 constructed as Pmr with detail improvements
Q 4-6-0 62–63 Andrew Barclay Sons & Co
2 0 Originally built for Public Works Department. To WAGR 1931.
R/Ra 4-4-0/4-4-2 144–155, 174–179, 227–232 Dübs & Company
3431-3442, 3674-3677, 3679-3682
1897 24 1
S 4-8-2 541–550 Midland Workshops 1943 10 3 1971–72 Superheated
T 4-4-0 164–173 Beyer, Peacock & Company (6)

Kitson & Company (4)

1887 10 0 Ex Great Southern Railway
U 4-6-2 651–664 North British Locomotive Company
1947 14 1 Superheated, oil burner
V 2-8-2 1201–1224 Beyer, Peacock & Company
1955 24 4 Superheated
W 4-8-2 901–960 Beyer, Peacock & Company
7378-7417, 7453-7472
1951 60 14 Superheated

Garratt locomotives

ASG 4-8-2+2-8-4 10, 20, 26-32, 44-50, 54-59, 63–65 Midland Railway Workshops (10),
Islington Railway Workshops (3),
Newport Workshops (3),
Clyde Engineering (9)
480-485, 489-491
1942 25 0
M 2-6-0+0-6-2 388–393 Beyer, Peacock & Company
1911 6 0 1 example rebuilt to Ms
Ms 2-6-0+0-6-2 424–430 Beyer, Peacock & Company
1913 7 0 Superheated
Msa 2-6-0+0-6-2 466–475 (1st), 491–500 (2nd) Midland Workshops
1930 10 0 Superheated

Tank locomotives

B 4-6-0T 8–9, 12–14, 180–185 Kitson & Co (8)
2591-2592, 3780-3785

Dübs & Co (3)
2153, 2185-2186

1884 11 0
C (1881) 0-6-0ST 1–2 Robert Stephenson and Company
1881 2 1 later 0-6-0T&T
D (1884) 0-4-0ST 6 Hunslet Engine Company
1884 1 0
D/Ds 4-6-4T 368–387 North British Locomotive Company
1912 20 0
Dm 4-6-4T 581–588 Midland Workshops 1945 6 0
Dd 4-6-4T 591–600 Midland Workshops 1946 10 2 Superheated
E 2-4-4-2T Double Fairlie 7, 20 Avonside Engine Company
1879 2 0
F (1892) 2-4-0T 20 Fremantle Workshops 1892 1 0 rebuilt from class E (1879)
H 0-6-0T 18, 22 Neilson & Co
1887 2 1
I 0-6-4T Single Fairlie 25–27 Avonside Engine Company
1281, 1283, 1285
1891 3 0 Ex-New Zealand Government Railways S class
K (1891) 0-6-2T 19 Hudswell, Clarke & Co
1891 1 0
K 2-8-4T 34–41, 101–106, 186–195 Neilson & Co
4599-4606, 5040-5045, 5197-5206
1893 24 0
N 4-4-4T 1, 19–20, 25–27, 69–79, 85–87, 95–96, 132, 196–207, 256–263 Nasmyth, Wilson & Co

Neilson & Co
4933-4941, 5046, 5052-5054, 5062-5063

Robert Stephenson & Co

1895 42 1
Q/Qa (1895) 4-6-2T/4-6-4T 138–143 R&W Hawthorn Leslie & Co
2312-2313, 2351-2354
1895 6 0
S (1888) 0-6-0WT 162–163 Kitson & Co
T231, T260
1888 2 0 Ex Great Southern Railway
U (1903) 0-6-0CT 7 Vulcan Foundry
1903 1 0 steam crane tank locomotive
Ut 4-6-4T 664 Midland Workshops 1957 1 1 Converted from U class

Standard Gauge Diesel Locomotives

H Bo-Bo H1-H5 English Electric

A.081-A.082, A.085-A.087

1965 5 0 1992-1996 3 in service, 1 stored, 1 scrapped.
J Bo-Bo J101-J105 Clyde Engineering

66–479 to 66–483

1966 5 0 1986-1995 Evolution of the Victorian Railways Y class.

4 in service, 1 scrapped.

K Co-Co K201-K210 English Electric

A.109-A.111, A.133-A.137, A.142, A.186

1966 10 0 1992-2000 1 in service, 2 stored, 7 scrapped.
L Co-Co L251-L277 Clyde Engineering 1967 27 0 1973-2000 1 in service, 18 stored, 8 scrapped.
NB Co-Co N1871-N1881 Commonwealth Engineering 1977 11 0 1994-1997 1 stored, 10 scrapped.
Q Co-Co Q4001-Q4019 Clyde Engineering

Downer Rail

1996 19 0 2000 All in service

Narrow Gauge Diesel Locomotives

X 2'Do2' X1001-X1032


Beyer, Peacock & Company


1954 48 6 1984-1988
Y Bo-Bo Y1101-Y1118 British Thomson-Houston


1953 18 7 1984-1986
Z C' Z1151-Z1153 Robert Stephenson & Hawthorns


Drewry Car Company


1953 3 3 1983
A Co-Co A1501-A1514 Clyde Engineering

Commonwealth Engineering

1960 14 2 1998-2000 13 in service, 2 preserved, 1 stored, 3 unknown, 6 scrapped.
AA Co-Co AA1515-AA1519 Clyde Engineering

Commonwealth Engineering

1969 5 0 1998-2000
AB Co-Co AB1531-AA1536 Clyde Engineering

Commonwealth Engineering

1969 6 1 1998-2000
B C B1601-B1610 Commonwealth Engineering 1962 10 10 1984
C Co-Co C1701-C1703 English Electric 1962 3 3 1992
T/TA Co T1801-1805


Tulloch Limited 1967 15 4 1 still in use 1 in service, 4 preserved, 11 scrapped
R Co-Co R1901-R1905 English Electric

A.166-A.167, A.171, A.173-A.174

1968 5 0 1992-2016 All scrapped.
RA Co-Co RA1906-RA1918 English Electric

A.202-A.207, A.218-A.222, A.244, A.248

1969 13 1 1992 12 scrapped.
D/DA Co-Co D1561-D1565


Commonwealth Engineering 1977 12 0
N/NA Co-Co N1871-N1881 Commonwealth Engineering 1977 11 0 1994-1997 1 stored, 10 scrapped.
DB Co-Co DB1581–DB1593


Clyde Engineering

81–989 to 81–998

82–1122 to 82–1124

1982 13 0 2000 6 in service, 7 in storage.
P Co-Co P2501–P2517 UGL Rail 1989 17 0 2000 All 17 in service.
S Co-Co S3301–S3311 Clyde Engineering 1998 11 0 2000 All 11 in service.

Midland Railway Company of Western Australia

(In order of introduction on the Midland railway.)[2]

Serial numbers

Steam locomotives

- 2-6-2 1 Hawthorn Leslie
1895 1 0 1901 Ex Edward Keane (in service 1888). Named Walkaway.
Sold to WA Goldfields Firewood Supply Ltd.
- 0-6-0T 11, 12 Hudswell Clarke
1895 2 0 1901–1920 Ex Edward Keane (in service 1891).
Named Fremantle (sold 1920) and Geraldton (sold 1901).
B 4-4-0 B2–B10 Hawthorn Leslie
1895 9 1 1929–1950s Known as T class until 1921.
B6 preserved, others sold for scrap.
- 2-6-0 - James Martin & Co
14 (2nd), 19
1895 2 0 1895 Ex Edward Keane (in service 1891).
Both sold to WAGR.
P 4-4-0 P62, P63/P12 James Martin & Co
1912 2 0 1929 Ex WAGR (in service 1896). Both sold for scrap.
C 4-6-2 C14–C18 Kitson & Company
4878–4880, 4884–4885
1912 5 0 1954–1963 All sold for scrap.
D 4-8-0 D19–D20 Baldwin
1920 2 0 1963 Both sold for scrap.
A 2-8-2 A21–A29 Kitson & Company
5397–5399, 5409–5411, 5429–5431
1926 9 0 1957–1958 All sold for scrap.

Narrow Gauge Diesel Locomotives

E 0-6-0 E30 Commonwealth Engineering 1957 1 1 1983 MRWA's only Western Australian built locomotive
F A1A-A1A F40-F46 English Electric 1958 7 4 1984-1985 Hotham Valley Railway have preserved F40 and F44 while Rail Heritage WA have F43. F41 is also on display at Moora.
G Co-Co G50-G51 English Electric 1963 2 1 1990-1991 Based upon the British Rail Class 20

Commonwealth Railways








Serial numbers










Standard Gauge Steam Locomotives

C 4-6-0 C62–C69 Walkers Limited 1938 8 0 1952–1956 Based on NSWGR C36 class
CA 4-6-0 CA78–CA79 Baldwin 1943 2 0 1945, 1950 Ex New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad
CN 4-6-0 CA70–CA77 MLW 1942 8 0 1949–1952 Ex Canadian National
D 4-6-0 D156–D163 Beyer, Peacock & Company 1913 6 0 1920s, 1943 Ex NSWGR Q class
F 2-6-0 F55 Baldwin 1915 1 0 1921 Ex NSWGR K class.
G/GA 4-6-0 G1–G/GA26 Clyde EngineeringBaldwin/Toowoomba Foundry 1914 26 1 1925–1956 Based on NSWGR P class
K 2-8-0 K27–K34 North British Locomotive Company 1916 8 0 1943–1952 Based on NSWGR T class
KA 2-8-0 KA35–KA54


Walkers Limited/Perry Engineering 1919 26 0 1925–1952 Based on NSWGR TF class.
L 2-8-2 L80–L89 Clyde Engineering 1952 10 0 1959 Originally built for China[3] based on SAR 700 class.[3]



0-4-0 - Hudswell Clarke 1913 1 0 1953 Allocated to the WA Division.

Standard Gauge Diesel Locomotives

GM A1A-A1A/Co-Co GM1-GM47 Clyde Engineering 1951 47 3 1988 4 in service, 3 preserved, 14 stored, 26 scrapped.
MDH Co-Co MDH1-MDH6 Clyde Engineering 1958 6 0 1969-1971 MDH1 named F. J. Shea
CL Co-Co CL1-CL17 Clyde Engineering 1970 17 1 1997 5 in service, 7 stored, 1 preserved, 2 Overhaul.

Other Diesel locomotives

BHP Billiton Iron Ore GE CM40-8M no. 5650 Yawata (left) and EMD SD70ACe no. 4352 Lightning (right) at Boodarie, near Port Hedland, 2012.

(In order of introduction on the Goldsworthy and Mount Newman railways.)[4]

Cliffs Robe River Iron Associates

(In order of introduction on the Robe River railway.)[5]

Australian National's GM29 & GM3 with the Trans Australian at Rawlinna in 1986

Australian National

(In order of introduction on the Trans-Australian Railway.)

A trio of FMG GE Dash 9-44CWs cross the Turner River with a train of empty ore wagons, 2008.

(In order of introduction on the Fortescue railway.)[6][7][8]

Goldsworthy Mining

(In order of introduction on the Goldsworthy railway.)[9]

Hamersley Iron

A GE Dash 9-44CW in HI livery at the Brockman 4 mine, 2011.

(In order of introduction on the Hamersley railway.)[10]

Lakewood Firewood Co

Mount Newman Mining

(In order of introduction on the Mount Newman railway.)[11]

NR29 in Pacific National livery, 2008.

Pilbara Iron

3 ft 6 in (1,067 mm) DB1590 Shire of Collie, in Westrail orange and blue livery, at Albany, 1986.

See also



  1. ^ Western Australia The Last of Steam Continental Railway Journal issue 7 September 1971 page 193
  2. ^ Gunzburg, Adrian (1989). The Midland Railway Company Locomotives of Western Australia. Melbourne: Light Railway Research Society of Australia. ISBN 0909340277.
  3. ^ a b Fluck, Ron; Marshall, Barry; Wilson, John (1996). Locomotives and Railcars of the Commonwealth Railways. Welland, South Australia: Gresley Publications. pp. 46–48. ISBN 1876216018.
  4. ^ Montgomery, "Toad". "BHP Billiton Iron Ore Road". Pilbara Railway Pages. "Toad" Montgomery. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved 21 July 2012.
  5. ^ Joyce, John; Tilley, Allan (1980). Railways in the Pilbara (2nd ed.). Wembley, WA: J & A Publications. pp. 79–88. ISBN 0959969926. OCLC 222691305.
  6. ^ Montgomery, "Toad". "Fortescue Metals Group Road". Pilbara Railway Pages. "Toad" Montgomery. Retrieved 21 July 2012.
  7. ^ "Our Business: Rail". FMG. Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. Archived from the original on 1 August 2012. Retrieved 22 July 2012.
  8. ^ "Downer scores FMG contract". Informa Australia Pty Ltd. 4 July 2012. Archived from the original on 30 December 2012. Retrieved 22 July 2012.
  9. ^ Joyce, John; Tilley, Allan (1980). pages 33–40.
  10. ^ Joyce, John; Tilley, Allan (1980). pages 41–60.
  11. ^ Joyce, John; Tilley, Allan (1980). pages 63–78.
  • Register of New Zealand Railways Steam Locomotives 1863–1971. Pages 59 & 158. ISBN 0-9582072-1-6

Primary sources

  • State Records Office has a web page with the largest collection of records available about the WAGR.

Further reading

  • Durrant, A E (1978). Australian Steam. Newton Abbot, Devon, UK; North Pomfret, Vt, USA: David & Charles. pp. 71–79, 89–101. ISBN 0715376055.
  • Finlayson, Don (Ed.), (1986). "Steam Around Perth", Australian Railway Historical Society W.A. Division (Inc), Bassendean, W.A. ISBN 0-9599690-4-7
  • Gunzburg, Adrian (1968). WAGR Locomotives 1940–1968. Perth: Australian Railway Historical Society (Western Australian Division). OCLC 219836193.
  • Gunzburg, Adrian (1984). A History of WAGR Steam Locomotives. Perth: Australian Railway Historical Society (Western Australian Division). ISBN 0959969039.
  • Gunzburg, Adrian (1989). The Midland Railway Company Locomotives of Western Australia. Melbourne: Light Railway Research Society of Australia. ISBN 0909340277.
  • McNicol, Steve. (1994) W.A.G.R. steam locomotives in preservation Elizabeth, S. Aust. : Railmac Publications. ISBN 0-949817-97-X
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