Text Appearing Before Image: rst edition ofthe Reliques, we read in line 59 of Part II, stint ne stayed for ceasd neblanne ; in line 63, at the bordes end for upon a rowe ; in lines 65, 66, And then bespake the Heire of Linne,To John o the Scales then louted he. The last verse but two does not appear in the first edition,and the ballad, in that edition, thus concludes :— When next I want to sell my land,Good John o the Scales Ile come to thee. * Mr. Buchans Ballad The Weary Heir of Linne, is not yet published; it forms one of a largeand singular collection he has prepared for the Press, and which we hope will be given to theworld at no very remote period. Of his printed collection— Ancient Ballads and Songs of theNorth of Scotland, hitherto unpublished—Sir Walter Scott has spoken in the highest terms; de-scribing it as the most complete collection that has yet appeared; and characterising the collec-tor as a person of indefatigable research,—whose industry has been crowned with the mostsuccessful results. Text Appearing After Image:
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