Text Appearing Before Image: OTTERSTON AND COUSTON CASTLES,* Fifeshire. Otterston is situated in the parish of Dalgetty, about two miles north-east from Inverkeithing. It occupies a secluded position on the margin Text Appearing After Image: Fig. 1448.—Otterston Castle. View from North-East. * We have to "thank Mr. Lyon for a pencil sketch of Otterston Castle, made in 1850", before it was altered, from which the accompanying view is copied. FOURTH PERIOD 342 — OTTERSTON AND COUSTON of a small loch of the same name, surrounded by gentle eminences abundantly clothed with trees. The building was a very picturesque one, and extremely characteristic of an old Scottish mansion-house, as will be seen from the View (Fig. 1448); but, unfortunately, about 1851 the proprietor pulled down certain portions and built a large addition to the east end, greatly increasing the accommodation of the house, but sacrificing its antique character. The round-arched entrance gateway (seen in the Sketch) is gone; the two round turrets shown on the high building are concealed with modern work, and externally nothing remains to indicate an ancient house except the round tower attached to the low buildings, with the dormer window beside it. The entrance
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