In chemistry and machine learning, the applicability domain (AD) of a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model defines the boundaries within which the model's predictions are considered reliable. It represents the chemical, structural, or biological space covered by the training data used to build the model. Essentially, the AD aims to determine if a new compound falls within the model's scope of applicability, ensuring that the underlying assumptions of the model are met. Predictions for compounds within the AD are generally considered more reliable than those outside, as the model is primarily valid for interpolation within the training data space, rather than extrapolation.
While various approaches exist for estimating the AD, there is no single universally accepted algorithm.
While no single, universally accepted algorithm for defining the applicability domain exists, several methods are commonly employed.[1][2] One systematic approach focuses on defining interpolation regions by removing outliers and using a kernel-weighted sampling method to estimate the probability density distribution. For regression-based QSAR models, a widely used technique for assessing the structural AD relies on leverage values, calculated from the diagonal elements of the hat matrix of the molecular descriptors.[3][4][5] More recently, a rigorous benchmarking study suggested that the standard deviation of model predictions offers the most reliable approach for AD determination.[6] To investigate the AD of a training set of chemicals one can directly analyse properties of the multivariate descriptor space of the training compounds or more indirectly via distance (or similarity) metrics. When using distance metrics care should be taken to use an orthogonal and significant vector space. This can be achieved by different means of feature selection and successive principal components analysis.
- ^ Netzeva T, Worth A, Aldenberg T, Benigni R, Cronin M, Gramatica P, Jaworska J, Kahn S, Klopman G, Marchant C, Myatt G, Nikolova-Jeliazkova N, Patlewicz G, Perkins R, Roberts D, Schultz T, Stanton D, van de Sandt J, Tong W, Veith G, Yang C: Current status of methods for defining the applicability domain of (Quantitative) Structure–Activity Relationships. Altern Lab Anim 2005, 33: 1-19
- ^ Jaworska J, Nikolova-Jeliazkova N, Aldenberg T: QSAR applicability domain estimation by projection of the training set descriptor space: a review. Altern Lab Anim 2005, 33(5):445-459
- ^ Atkinson AC, Plots, Transformations and Regression, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1985, p.282
- ^ Tropsha A, Gramatica P, Gombar VK, The importance of being Earnest: Validation is the absolute essential for successful application and interpretation of QSPR models. QSAR Comb.Sci. 2003, 22: 69-77
- ^ Gramatica P, Principles of QSAR models validation: internal and external QSAR Comb.Sci. 2007, 26(5): 694-701
- ^ Tetko IV, Sushko I, Pandey AK, Zhu H, Tropsha A, Papa E, Oberg T, Todeschini R, Fourches D, Varnek A. Critical assessment of QSAR models of environmental toxicity against Tetrahymena pyriformis: focusing on applicability domain and overfitting by variable selection. J Chem Inf Model. 2008 Sep;48(9):1733-46.