Events from the year 1834 in Canada.


Federal government



January to June

  • January – King William IV appoints an arbitrator to settle questions regarding customs dues between the Canadas.
  • January – The King announces that he will not make the Legislative Council an elected body, as it would be inconsistent with the monarchy, but that he will favor measures for the Council's independence.
  • January – Thomas Spring Rice, the Secretary of State for War and the Colonies writes "If coming events should constrain the British Legislature to interpose its supreme authority to appease the internal dissensions of the Colony, it would then, indeed, become my duty to submit for the consideration of Parliament, some modifications of the charters of the Canadas, not however, for introducing institutions inconsistent with monarchy, but to preserve and cement their connection with the Mother Country, adhering ever to the spirit of the British Constitution, and confining within their legitimate bounds the rights and privileges of His Majesty's subjects."
  • January 23 – The Chateau St. Louis (Quebec) is burned.[2]
  • February 17 – The Ninety-Two Resolutions are passed by the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada. The complaints relate, chiefly, to nominations of Councillors, partiality in filling offices, of which 47 are alleged to have been distributed among 525,000 Frenchmen, against 157 higher positions, among 75,000 of British origin.
    • Speaking in the House upon the Ninety-Two Resolutions, which he frames and Mr. Bedard moves, Louis-Joseph Papineau says "It is certain that, before long, the whole of America will be republicanized. If a change be necessary in our present constitution, it is to be undertaken in view of such a conjuncture as I have just mentioned. Would it be a crime, were I to demand that it should? The members of the House are all answerable to their constituents for whatever decisions they may come to, in this regard. And, even though the soldiery should slaughter them for it, they ought not to hesitate, for one moment, to pronounce for any change which they consider beneficial to their country."
    • Mr. Neilson replies: "The American revolutionists and the British Liberals contended for the maintenance of franchises already acquired; we oppositionists are reaching out our hands for freedom which we never possessed. The Resolutions can not be justified, for they favor the refusal of supplies, without which there would be no means of defraying the expense of governing the Province."
  • March 6 – Incorporation of Toronto, heretofore York, Upper Canada.
  • William Lyon Mackenzie elected first mayor of the city of Toronto.
  • March 8 – The Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society, an institution in Quebec dedicated to the protection of Quebec francophone interests and to the promotion of Quebec Sovereignism, is founded.

July to December

  • July 31 – At midnight July 31, slavery comes to an end in all British territories, including British North America. To honour this important event, August 1 is celebrated as Emancipation Day in Windsor, Ontario, and elsewhere.
  • December 9 – Foundation of the "Canadian Alliance Society" in Upper Canada at Toronto.
  • Before a committee of the British Commons, Hon. Edward Ellice suggests remedies for troubles in Canada.

Full date unknown

  • A majority of the Assembly call for Lord Aylmer's impeachment for maladministration, and invite Daniel O'Connell and others to assist them. The Council and British Canadians counter-petition. The Assembly omit voting supplies.
  • Adopting revolutionary tactics, Papineau advises wearing homespun cloth and buying nothing British, in order to diminish misused revenues. Bankstocks being of British ownership, he advises a general demand of gold for banknotes.
  • Samuel Lount elected to Assembly along with William Lyon Mackenzie and a Reform majority.

Parliaments and Assemblies

Arts and literature


January to March

April to June

July to September

October to December

Full date unknown



  1. ^ "William IV". Official web site of the British monarchy. 15 January 2016. Archived from the original on 21 September 2017. Retrieved 18 April 2016.
  2. ^ Marshall, Bill (2009-10-15). The French Atlantic. Liverpool University Press. p. 142. doi:10.5949/upo9781846315848. ISBN 978-1-84631-050-8.
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