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Your average week ... and a fish
Media, sports and Google Doodles dominate, though a very odd fish decided to crash the party.
For the top 25 articles of the week, plus analysis and exclusions, see: WP:TOP25.
For the week of October 13–19, the ten most popular articles on Wikipedia, as determined from the report of the 5,000 most trafficked pages* were:
Rank Article Class Views Image Notes 1 Facebook 500,402 A perennially popular article 2 The Walking Dead (TV series) 476,950 The fourth season of the popular TV series premiered on October 13. 3 Gravity (film) 461,752 Alfonso Cuarón's spaceborne action/art film is now the critical/commercial blockbuster of the year, combining a nearly $300 million, 17-day worldwide box office take with a 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. 4 Breaking Bad 422,688 Despite ending for good two weeks ago, this 5-year televisual exploration of one man's descent into evil continues to drum up interest. 5 Friedrich Nietzsche 399,786 The guy who coined the phrase "That which does not kill us makes us stronger" got a Google Doodle to celebrate his 169th birthday on October 15. 6 Oarfish 373,815 The rarely seen giant deepwater fish, inspiration for many tales of the sea serpent, hit the news when two dead specimens were found in a week off the coast of California. 7 Atlas Shrugged 372,680 Ayn Rand's novel has been in the news during the week of its 56th anniversary, and the announcement that the third part of the film adaptation has begun shooting. Some sites have noted the irony that the film of a book that makes a virtue of selfishness required a Kickstarter campaign to get funded. 8 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification 367,329 The global race to the finals of the world's most popular sporting event has actually been running since 2011, but kicked into high gear this month as the various world soccer federations reached the end of their qualifying runs, including Europe this week. 207 national teams entered the race; to put that in perspective, there are only 254 recognised countries and territories on Earth. The total number of people on the planet who have not cheered their home side in this tournament could probably fill a moderately-sized town. 9 List of Bollywood films of 2013 List 365,792 An established staple of the top 10. 10 Dead Rising 3 364,911 These days video games and zombies go together like, well, everything else and zombies. The latest in this franchise is slated to be released on 22 November as a launch title for the Xbox One.
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