Hi. I'm Xbony2. I mainly contribute to the Official FTB Wiki and Wikitionary .
I need to update this user page. Consider it dated.
en-pi-1T'is scalawag parlays 'n' scribesPirate English as a Cabin Boy . Shiver me timbers!
pig -1Isthay userway isway ableway otay ontributecay ithway away asicbay evellay ofway Igpay Atinlay .
This user believes that ain't is a proper word to use in place of a contraction of a verb and a pronoun. Ain't that right?
. The This user does not put two spaces after a full stop.
; This user is addicted to semicolons ; he uses them frequently.
; This user's favorite punctuation is semicolons; he likes using them a lot.
ANAL 1 User here dont worry two much about their's bad grammars.
This user employs a more formal style of writing in articles than in talk pages.
Lua -2This user is an intermediate Lua coder.
{{t |3 }} This user contributes to the template namespace with confidence.
md This user can write in Markdown .
This user contributes with Git .
This user has an account on GitHub .
X x This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is X .
Д д This user's favorite letter in the Russian alphabet is дэ .
W This user's favourite colour is white .
This user knows just enough about computers to be dangerous.
This user prefers Mac .
@ This user does not wish to disclose his email or screen name .
This user watches videos on YouTube .
This user only uses Google products as a last resort.
This user uses DuckDuckGo as a primary search engine.
This user has been known to eat a hot dog on occasion.
This user couldn't live without bagels , but NO CREAM CHEESE!
This user enjoys eating corn .
THIS USER LOVES ANIMALS ! ! ! They're delicious...
This user eats M&Ms .
This user is NOT a vegan or vegetarian , but respects and accomodates those that are.
This user loves food in moderation.
This userbox is flavoured like Chili peppers! CALL THE FIRE DEPT! Make up some RED HOT new flavours of your own!
This user drinks milk .
This user likes to drink sodas .
This user is interested in history .
This user likes to sleep .
This user spends most of his free time thinking about random things...
This user is rated 18 by the BBFC .
"What is right is not always popular, what is popular is not always right." ~ Albert Einstein
"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself." ~ Groucho Marx
This user doesn't like school .
This user does not
smoke .
This user is interested in making stuff for the web
This user exercises regularly and drinks a lot of water to stay hydrated.
This user has just wasted both their time and yours placing this userbox on their profile, because it says absolutely nothing important, interesting or relevant to anything. LOL
This user hates @#$%@#^&@§¡¿•&$@#$ψπ!@#$%&*ʘ vandals!
∞ This user's ACTUAL userbox tower has infinity userboxes, so I cut it off here to not make you go crazy
This user knows that his user page is a mess, and likes it that way.
This user is a bi male.
This user may be agnostic , or then again, perhaps not.
This user is not a prose nazi and sees no problem with a list or a table being on an article.
This user would like to remind you that Wikipedia is not censored .
no ads This user is against commercials in Wikipedia.
This user has a Sandbox.
This user tries to do the right thing. If he makes a mistake, please let him know .
This user believes that eponymous categories are a divinely inspired creation, worthy of preservation and widespread usage.
This user trusts Wikipedia as a reliable source.
This User believes that one can sum up one's entire political, social, and Wikipedia policies beliefs with a creative userbox, such as this one.
This user isn't looking to receive any barnstars . This user doesn't in fact even own a barn .
This user loves Wikipe-tan , the cutest personification of Wikipedia.
This user is a mediocre+ Editor .
This user is one in 48,780,488 .
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