I am The Nayl. I took the name Nayl from Dan Abnett's Eisenhorn trilogy and the character Harlon Nayl. Originally the name Nayl was going to be the name of the main character in a book I was writing, however the book died as I as unable to decide in which direction I wasted it to go, fantasy or fact (though fantasy would have played a role in a more factual story). Since then, Nayl has become my online name, despite people having trouble spelling it (I get Naly and Nay all the time). I am currently doing a BA Journalism course at the University of Northampton.


  • Real Name: George
  • Age: 25
  • Nationality: British
  • Political Standing: Communist
  • Favourite Cheese: Mozarella
  • Favourite Drink: Orange Juice (Tropicana Original (with bits) owns you)
  • Favourite Food: BLT Sarnie
  • Tea or Coffee: Tea, the fuel of Britain
  • Warhammer Army: Ogre Kingdoms
  • Religion: None
  • Favourite Band: Cream
  • Goal in life: To have fun
  • Sanity: MIA.


LAWLBOOM! Headshot!
This user watches Pure Pwnage.
Bit of both really
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