Hi, I'm Milton, and I'm a Wikimedia contributor. I am an Auburn University graduate student studying Biology. Most of my contributions are fish-related, made possible by the amazing power known as Google Scholar as well as the library. My contribution focus is in topics related to catfish. I may also flesh out other fish articles with the newer, 4th edition of Nelson (2006), Fishes of the World, as FishBase and most Wikipedia articles currently reference the outdated 3rd edition.
Current activity
I don't intend to spend a lot of time on Wikipedia for the time being, but I'll update as I see fit.
...that the lionfishgenusParapterois includes P. heterura, an attractive species uncommon in the aquarium trade, and the poorly known P. macrura? (2007 Apr 14)
...that Bagrichthys macracanthus, the black lancer, is the only species of Bagrichthys, a genus of catfishes, that is traded in the aquariumhobby? (2007 June 14)
...that catfish of the genusDekeyseria are able to rapidly change their colouration to fit their mood or their surroundings? (2007 July 22)
...that the bagarius, a carnivorous catfish that lives on eating other fish, breeds in rivers prior to the beginning of the annual flood season in southeast Asia? (2007 July 22) (not self-nom'd)
...that a catfish of the genusHelogenes is known to jump out of the stream during rotenone fishing by locals, and jump back afterwards? (2007 July 23)
...that when severely disturbed, catfish of the genusAcrochordonichthys may release a milky-white mucus-like substance that can kill other fish? (2007 July 30)
For the hard work in creating and improving numerous fish articles, especially those of catfishes. Congratulations for having many of those selected as DYKs for the Main Page. --Melanochromis 22:03, 6 June 2007 (UTC)
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