Phonetic transcription of my name into Chinese:
On my watchlist
Ab initio quantum chemistry methods - Computational chemistry - Coupled cluster - Density matrix - Electronic correlation - Electronic structure - Interaction energy - Intermolecular force - List of quantum chemistry and solid-state physics software - Molecular Hamiltonian - Quantum chemistry
Buckingham (unit) - Dipole - Multipole expansion - Multipole moment
Intercalation (biochemistry) - Intercalation (chemistry) - Stacking (chemistry)
Copolymer - Hubbard–Stratonovich transformation - Nanocomposite - Polymer field theory - Random phase approximation - Structure of liquids and glasses - Transition state theory
Evolutionarily stable strategy - Folk theorem (game theory) - Prisoner's dilemma
Active learning (machine learning) - Incremental learning
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