
Hi, I'm Juan andrés (actually Juan Andrés, but it doesn't matter) and I will help you in any problem you have.

Hola, soy Juan andrés (aunque realmente sea Juan Andrés) y lo ayudaré en cualquier problema que tenga.

Bonjour, je m'appelle Juan andrés. Je l'aiderai en quelqu'un problème que vous ayez.

Who am I

My name is Juan Andrés Rivera Santana, I'm from Mexico and I'm 18 years old. I've been a user here since December 2005, but I have had long interruptions.

I would like to help in...

If there's a problem arround there, I would help in scientific and technologic areas. Here are those categories:

And some other areas that I could help too (but those ones are not related with science):

Other sections

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