
Hello, I'm Herald Alberich. I mostly patrol my watchlist (don't we all?), which at the moment consists mainly of Metroid and Avatar: The Last Airbender-related articles. I add articles I'm knowledgeable about after I go through and fix grammatical mistakes and such. Over at Commons, I enjoy populating commons:Category:Commons featured desktop backgrounds and commons:Category:Commons featured widescreen desktop backgrounds; specifically, I've decided to go through the Picture of the Day archive at the beginning of each month and add suitable pictures to the appropriate categories, so that potential wallpapers are marked as such when they appear on the Main Page.

The Name

Alberich is a Herald and Weaponsmaster in Mercedes Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar series of fantasy books. Being originally from Valdemar's ancestral enemy nation, Karse, Alberich faces many obstacles when he first arrives in Valdemar, including divided loyalties and lack of trust on some parts. Eventually, he is accepted, and becomes perhaps the finest Weaponsmaster in Heraldic history. I'm not really anything like Alberich, but I thought he was a good character to be known as here.

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