On being overshadowed by Dufay: [1] & see The Tinctoris Generation in Taruskin OWH; see the Binchois/Dufay chapter in Taruskin for general
Tinctoris detail in The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance
p. 203 – Binchois studies, on Binchois possibly being more important than Du Fay in the 1420s
From Fallows: "Before the publication of Kaye’s edition of the sacred music (1991), several writers tended to portray Binchois as primarily a song composer; that view does not correspond to either the relative quantity of his works in the various categories or the greater variety of styles and techniques found in his sacred music. According to such criteria, the mass movements are at the centre of his artistic world." – use in legacy
Add that Ockeghem was probably student of his
Best known works:
de plus en plus dueil angoisseus adieu m'amour triste plaisir
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