Observation. I've always loved learning and have been doing online research and advice (giving it away) since 2000, becoming professional (got paid) in 2006. My hobby turned vocation includes web and graphic design, marketing and audience research with a focus on search engine and content optimization. I collect allot of data; lists of different subjects that are mostly researched using Google. "An Average Day" can mean 100+ searches with an average of 5 pages viewed per query. Comparisons are often made of the results from the "Big 3" search engines, just to see what is presented and how (a search engine can teach you how to use it if you pay attention to HOW it answers questions).
Marketing. Always an interest to me, not for making money, but figuring out the "Hidden Meaning" or where the "string" was attached. Part of my fascination stems from having a functional form of Autism and strange sense of humor. I can't understand WHY people will react certain ways to stimuli, but know how to do it. The downside to that emotional condition is paranoia, feeling left out or that everything is over my head.
Rewards. I believe honesty pays off just like hard work. It can be difficult to manage if you become dependant on compensation for good deeds; fun turns into a job and it can twist "honest" into "point-of-view" very fast. Combined, though, Honesty and Hard Work will support more honest, hard work. That might apply to just about anything.
Bottom Line. If you're tired of being miserable, change your mind.
--AClark2112 (talk) 23:57, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
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