Saryqobda (Kazakh: Сарықобда, Saryqobda) is an aul in the Aktobe Region of Kazakhstan. It was known until 1993 as Bessarabka (Kazakh: Бессарабка, Bessarabka).[1] Together with the village of Moldavanka, it one of the two villages founded by Bessarabian Romanian immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century in Kazakhstan.[2]
See also
- ^ "Об упоpядочении тpанскрибиpования на pусском языке казахских топонимов, наименовании и пеpеименовании отдельных администpативно-теppитоpиальных единиц Республики Казахстан" (in Kazakh). Legal information system of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 4 May 1993.
- ^ Lazar, Simona; Cires, Tudor (27 March 2012). "MICA ROMÂNIE din Kazahstan. Cum au supraviețuit 40.000 de români în stepele Asiei". Jurnalul Național (in Romanian).
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