English: “We wanted to create a connecting-platform for people who are discriminated because they do not t into any gender-pattern and are denounced because of their skin color and origin.” Tupiniqueen is a play on words referring to “Tupiniquim”, which is a tribe of the Tupi people. e Tupi people were the most numerous inhabitants of Brazil before colonization. “We underline our indigenous roots, whereas most Brazilians deny their black or indigenous backgrounds. e word queen is self explanatory; we are proud, we are strong and we are in uential.” - Mendes Aúa
Location: Brazil, ManausEvent type: Tupiniqueen jungle performanceDate or year: 2018
See ja teised pildid sellest paigast lehel: OpenStreetMap
-3.129349; -60.022021
Queens of the Amazon
“There is no space for people like us, in this white dominated, heteronormative society. So we created our own space, a space away from rigid, patriarchal concepts of gender and color.” - Marcelo Nobre „Balaclavo“, Tupiniqueen-member.
Brazil enjoys the status of an open, tolerant and free country. Here, the world’s biggest gay pride parade takes place and the country has one of the most advanced laws in providing rights and protection to sexual minorities. Nevertheless, this is only half of the reality. In 2017, 445 people died as victims of homophobia, the highest death rate in years. Approximately every 25 hours a gay or transgender person is killed. This makes Brazil, for LGBTQ people, to one of the deadliest places in the world.
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