English: The oldest form of the Cursiva script types, the Gothica Cursiva Antquior emerges during the 13th century in England, where it will be in use as a book script until the second half of the 15th century when it starts to be replaced due to influences from Continental Cursiva and Hybrida script types. On the Continent the Gothica Cursiva Antiquior quickly evolves in the Gothica Cursiva during the 14th century. The Gothica Cursiva Antiquior has the following characteristics: Two-compartment letter a extending above the headline Short letter g with a figure 8 shape standing on the baseline final curve of certain letters extending under the baseline with a curve to the right daggerlike form for the shaft of the letters f and straight s looped letter d.
Isik, kes sidus teose selle litsentsiga, on andnud teose avalikku omandisse, loobudes üleilmselt seadusega lubatud ulatuses kõigist õigustest, mis tulenevad autoriõigusseadusest, sealhulgas autoriõigusega kaasnevatest õigustest ja naaberõigustest. Tohid teost kopeerida, muuta, levitada ja esitada; seda kõike luba küsimata ja ka ärilisel eesmärgil.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.enCC0Creative Commons Zero, Public Domain Dedicationfalsefalse
Lisa üherealine seletus sellest, mida fail esitab
A handwritten script type.
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handwriting inglise
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copyrighted, dedicated to the public domain by copyright holder inglise
Creative Commons CC0 License inglise
asutamise või loomise aeg
14. märts 2023
media type inglise
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