Algfail (SVG-fail, algsuurus 620 × 500 pikslit, faili suurus: 3 KB)


English: Intended as a replacement for File:Universe.svg and File:Universos.gif.

English: The age and ultimate fate of the universe can be determined by measuring the Hubble constant today and extrapolating with the observed value of the deceleration parameter, uniquely characterized by values of density parameters (ΩM for matter and ΩΛ for dark energy). A "closed universe" with ΩM > 1 and ΩΛ = 0 comes to an end in a Big Crunch and is considerably younger than its Hubble age. An "open universe" with ΩM ≤ 1 and ΩΛ = 0 expands forever and has an age that is closer to its Hubble age. For the accelerating universe with nonzero ΩΛ that we inhabit, the age of the universe is coincidentally very close to the Hubble age.
Allikas Üleslaadija oma töö
Autor BenRG
(Faili edasikasutus)
Public domain
This file supersedes the file Universe.svg. It is recommended to use this file rather than the other one.

Reason why to use this file over the other file: "Improvements: better dash patterns, more accurate curves (actual solutions of the Friedmann equations, not hand-drawn)."

Deutsch  English  español  français  magyar  Bahasa Indonesia  italiano  日本語  македонски  മലയാളം  Nederlands  polski  prūsiskan  português do Brasil  русский  slovenščina  svenska  中文(简体)  中文(繁體) 

minor quality


This diagram uses the following exact solutions to the Friedmann equations:

See also

Some of the shown models are implemented as an animation at Cosmos-animation.


Public domain Selle teose autoriõiguste valdajana annan selle teose avalikku omandisse. See kehtib üleilmselt.
Kui see pole mõnes riigis õiguslikult võimalik:
Annan kõigile õiguse seda teost kasutada ükskõik mille jaoks, ilma ühegi tingimuseta, kui seadus neid just ei sea.


Lisa üherealine seletus sellest, mida fail esitab
Solutions of the Friedmann Equations (not hand drawn)

Selles failis kujutatud üksused



Teatud väärtus ilma Wikidata üksuseta

Wikimedia kasutaja: BenRG
autori nimi (sõne): BenRG

autoriõiguslik seisund

copyrighted, dedicated to the public domain by copyright holder inglise


released into the public domain by the copyright holder inglise

source of file inglise

original creation by uploader inglise

asutamise või loomise aeg

23. september 2009

media type inglise


Faili ajalugu

Klõpsa kuupäeva ja kellaaega, et näha sel ajahetkel kasutusel olnud failiversiooni.

viimane24. september 2009, kell 00:09Pisipilt versioonist seisuga 24. september 2009, kell 00:09620 × 500 (3 KB)BenRGNimbus Roman doesn't have Greek letters; switch to DejaVu Serif
24. september 2009, kell 00:02Pisipilt versioonist seisuga 24. september 2009, kell 00:02620 × 500 (3 KB)BenRG{{Information |Description=Intended as a replacement for File:Universe.svg and File:Universos.gif. Improvements: better dash patterns, more accurate curves (actual solutions of the Friedmann equations, not hand-drawn). |Source=Own work by upload

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