East Rutherford on vald (borough) Bergeni maakonnas New Jersey osariigis Ameerika Ühendriikides. See on New Yorgi eeslinn, Midtown Manhattanist 11 km läänes. 2020. aasta rahvaloenduse ajal elas East Rutherfordis 10 022 inimest.

Aprillis 1889 võttis New Jersey parlament vastu otsuse, millega eraldati osa Union vallast Boiling Springsi valla nime all.[2] Märtsis 1894 korraldati rahvahääletus, millega kaotati Boiling Springsi vald ja loodi East Rutherford. Uus borough oli samade piiridega nagu Boiling Springs, peale nime muudeti ka valitsusstruktuuri. Sellega algas Bergeni maakonnas nn boroughitis, mille käigus moodustati suur hulk boroʾsid. Ainuüksi 1894. aastal moodustati maakonnas 26 uut taolist omavalitsusüksust.[3]

East Rutherfordis asub Meadowlandsi spordikompleks, mis hõlmab Meadowlands Arenat ja MetLife Stadiumit, varem oli seal ka Giants Stadium. Meadowlands Arena on olnud NHLi New Jersey Devilsi hokiklubi ja NBA New Jersey Netsi korvpalliklubi kodustaadion, praegu toimuvad seal korvpallikohtumised ja kontserdid. MetLife Stadium on NFL-i Ameerika jalgpalli klubide New York Giantsi ja New York Jetsi kodustaadion. Aastal 2014 toimus seal Super Bowl XLVIII, millega sai East Rutherfordist väikseim Super Bowli võõrustanud asula. East Rutherford on üks 16-st välja valitud 2026. aasta jalgpalli maailmameistrivõistluste võõrustajalinnast, MetLife Stadiumil toimub seitse mängu ja finaal.[4][5] Giants Stadium, kus Giants ja Jets 2009. aastani mängisid, oli kunagi ka MLS-i New York Red Bullsi kodu.

East Rutherfordis on kaubanduskeskus American Dream Meadowlands (varem Xanadu), mis avas uksed aastal 2019.[6]


  1. "ArcGIS REST Services Directory". United States Census Bureau. Vaadatud 11. oktoobril 2022.
  2. Snyder, John P. The Story of New Jersey's Civil Boundaries: 1606-1968, Bureau of Geology and Topography; Trenton, New Jersey; 1969. p. 77 re East Rutherford, p. 76 re Boiling Springs Township. Accessed July 29, 2012.
  3. Harvey, Cornelius Burnham. Genealogical History of Hudson and Bergen Counties, New Jersey, p. 11, New Jersey Genealogical Publishing Company, 1900. Accessed September 1, 2013. "For a period of sixteen years following the passage of this act few boroughs were organized in the State, only three of them being in Bergen County.... As it was twenty-six boroughs were created in the county from January 23, 1894, to December 18, of the same year." Note that the source incorrectly lists June 23, 1894, as the borough's formation date, even though the borough is listed correctly in chronological order.
  4. Munoz, Daniel. "MetLife Stadium will host matches for 2026 FIFA World Cup, but finals still up in the air", The Record, June 16, 2022. Accessed December 27, 2022. "MetLife Stadium in the Meadowlands will be one of 16 North American venues to host matches in soccer's 2026 men's World Cup, but the winner of the coveted championship game still hasn't been named."
  5. "Mayor Adams and Governor Murphy Celebrate New York New Jersey Selection as Host for Biggest Sporting Event in World History: FIFA World Cup 26 Final", Mayor of New York City Eric Adams, February 4, 2024. Accessed February 14, 2024. "New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy celebrated today’s announcement that the Host Region of New York New Jersey (NYNJ) was awarded the rights to host the FIFA World Cup 26 Final and seven other matches throughout the tournament at New York New Jersey Stadium (MetLife Stadium) in East Rutherford, New Jersey.... Consistent with stadiums in other Host Cities, MetLife Stadium will adopt a new venue name for FIFA World Cup 26, New York New Jersey Stadium."
  6. Anzidei, Melanie. "It's finally happening: American Dream mall will open Oct. 25", The Record, July 3, 2019. Accessed September 18, 2019. "American Dream, the mega retail and entertainment center that has been sitting in the Meadowlands for over a decade, will open Oct. 25, officials said Wednesday. The 3 million-square-foot center was previously set to open this past spring, then late summer. Officials in May announced a fall opening, and this is the first time a specific date for that opening has been announced."



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