Daniel Edward Aykroyd (sündinud 1. juulil 1952 Ottawas Ontario provintsis Kanadas) on Kanada päritolu USA filminäitleja, koomik, stsenarist, laulja ja muusik.

Ta oli osaline televisiooni meelelahutussaates "Saturday Night Live" ning ansambli The Blues Brothers üks loojaid ja soliste (koos John Belushiga).

Osaline filmograafia

Aasta Pealkiri Eestikeelne pealkiri Märkused
1977 "Love at First Sight"
1979 "1941" "1941"
1980 "The Blues Brothers" "Bluusivennad" (ka stsenarist)
1981 "Neighbors"
1982 "It Came from Hollywood" (dokumentaal)
1983 "Doctor Detroit"
1983 "Trading Places" "Kohavahetus"
1983 "Twilight Zone: The Movie"
1984 "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" "Indiana Jones ja hukatuse tempel"
1984 "Ghostbusters" "Tondipüüdjad" (ka stsenarist)
1984 "Nothing Lasts Forever"
1985 "Into the Night"
1985 "Spies Like Us" (ka stsenarist)
1987 "Dragnet" "Päästke Los Angeles!" (ka stsenarist)
1988 "The Couch Trip"
1988 "She's Having a Baby"
1988 "The Great Outdoors" "Looduse rüpes"
1988 "Caddyshack II"
1988 "My Stepmother Is an Alien" "Minu kasuema on tulnukas"
1989 "Ghostbusters II" "Tondipüüdjad 2" (ka stsenarist)
1989 "Driving Miss Daisy" "Sõidutades miss Daisyt"
1990 "Masters of Menace" "Hädaohu isandad"
1990 "Loose Cannons"
1991 "Nothing But Trouble" (ka režissöör ja stsenarist)
1991 "My Girl" "Minu tüdruk"
1992 "This is My Life"
1992 "Sneakers" "Näpumehed"
1992 "Chaplin"
1993 "Coneheads"
1994 "A Century of Cinema" (dokumentaal)
1994 "My Girl 2" "Minu tüdruk 2"
1994 "North" "North"
1994 "Exit to Eden"
1995 "The Random Factor" (hääl)
1995 "Tommy Boy"
1995 "Casper" (tiitrites mainimata)
1995 "Canadian Bacon"
1996 "Sgt. Bilko" "Seersant Bilko"
1996 "Getting Away with Murder"
1996 "Celtic Pride" "Pöörased fännid"
1996 "Rainbow"
1996 "The Arrow"
1996 "Feeling Minnesota" "Minnesota"
1996–2000 "Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal"
1996 "My Fellow Americans" "Kallid kaasmaalased"
1997 "Grosse Pointe Blank"
2000 "Blues Brothers 2000" "Bluusivennad 2000" (ka produtsent ja stsenarist)
1998 "Antz" "Zipelgad" (hääl)
1998 "Susan's Plan"
1999 "Diamonds"
2000 "Stardom"
2000 "Loser" "Luuser"
2000 "The House of Mirth"
2001 "The Devil and Daniel Webster"
2001 "Pearl Harbor" "Pearl Harbor"
2001 "Evolution" "Evolutsioon"
2001 "The Curse of the Jade Scorpion" "Nefriitskorpioni needus"
2001 "The Frank Truth" (dokumentaal)
2001 "On the Nose"
2002 "Crossroads" "Risttee"
2002 "Unconditional Love"
2003 "Bright Young Things"
2004 "50 First Dates" "Mu pruudil on mälukas"
2004 "Intern Academy"
2004 "Christmas with the Kranks" "Kiiksuga jõulud"
2005 "Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs"
2007 "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" "Kui Chuck abiellub Larryga"
2008 "War, Inc."
2010 "Yogi Bear" "Karu Yogi" (hääl)
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