Introducing Myself

Who/Where am I?
This user hails from or lives on Earth.
The time is currently 03:38:33 UTC.
GMT+8This user's time zone is GMT+8.
Today is 18 February 2025
dayToday is Tuesday.
♂This user is male.
This user is of Chinese ethnicity.
This user is from China.
This user is a Descendant of the Dragon.
This user is Cantonese.
This user is of Hakka ancestry.
UoNThis user is a student, or graduate, or staff of the University of Newcastle.
CapricornusThis user is a Capricorn.
This user wears corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses, without which they'd be as blind as a bat!
This user does not smoke.
This user tries to do the right thing. If he makes a mistake, please let him know.
This user lives in Singapore.
This user is a friend of Singapore.
This user is a friend of Singapore living in Singapore.
This user was born in the Year of the Ox.
My Favourites
This user plays table tennis.
This user loves Basketball.
This user plays badminton.
This user enjoys singing.
This user enjoys photography.
This user enjoys dancing.
FMThis user has an FM radio.
AMThis user has an AM radio.
NETThis user listens to radio over the Internet.
This user is interested in Buddhism.
This user is interested in Chinese folk religion.
This user is interested in Taoism.
This user is interested in history.
This user is interested in Chinese history.
This user would like to own one or more dogs.
This user is interested in politics.
This user doesn't like Nazis.
My Beliefs
This user supports the use of wind power, solar power, and electric vehicles.
This user supports the use of green energy.
This user firmly believes that this is a better world because of the presence of dogs.
This user supports protection of the environment.
♂♀This user supports gender equality.
This user supports the inclusion of sex education in school systems.
This user does not appreciate tobacco smoke.
This user supports recycling.

Being A Wikipedian...

WikipediaI support the English language Wikipedia with my contributions.

I support the Japanese-language Wikipedia with my contributions.
저는 한국어 위키백과기여 하고 있습니다.

I support the Korean language Wikipedia with my contributions.

The Contributions

New Content


Page Moved



Big Change


Pictures Uploaded

Testing Zone

My Sandbox


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