Release date
Safety Monkey |
1994 |
Viridis Corporation, IVI Publishing
Sammy's Science House |
1994 |
Theatrix Interactive, Edmark
1994 |
Bob Dolan
Science Shop with Monker |
1995 |
Information Technology Design Associates, Western Publishing Company
Science Sleuths |
1996 |
Scissors, Paper, Stone |
1991 |
David McIntosh
Score Builder for SAT |
1995 |
Compton's Learning
Scrabout |
1995 |
Lance Frohman
Search and Destroy |
1992 |
Randy Baron
Secrets of the Pyramids |
1994 |
Ednovation, Mindscape
Sensible Golf |
1994 |
Sensible Software, Virgin Interactive
Sesame Street: Art Workshop |
1995 |
Children's Television Workshop, Creative Wonders
Sesame Street: Elmo's Preschool |
1997 |
Children's Television Workshop, Creative Wonders
Sesame Street: Get Set To Learn |
1996 |
Creative Wonders, Electronic Arts
Sesame Street: Let's Make a Word! |
1995 |
Children's Television Workshop, Creative Wonders
Sesame Street: Letters |
1995 |
Children's Television Workshop, Creative Wonders
Sesame Street: Numbers |
1995 |
Children's Television Workshop, Creative Wonders
Shadowgate |
1993 |
ICOM Simulations, Inc., Viacom New Media
Shadows of Cairn |
1994 |
Ant Software, Masque Publishing
Shanghai: Great Moments |
1995 |
Quicksilver Software, Activision
Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye |
1994 |
Shooter |
1993 |
Albert C. Ashton
Shop Drop |
199? |
Dynotech Software
ShotGun |
December 16, 1993 |
Albert C. Ashton, PCSTS
Pirates! Gold |
1994 |
MPS Labs, MicroProse
SimAnt |
1991 |
SimCity |
1992 |
SimCity 2000 |
1994 |
Maxis, Electronic Arts
SimEarth |
1990 |
SimFarm |
1993 |
Maxis, Mindscape
SimJack |
1995 |
Keith Marting
SimLife |
1992 |
Simon |
1991 |
Mark Gamber
The Simpsons Cartoon Studio |
1996 |
Big Top Productions, Fox Interactive
SimTower |
1994 |
OPeNBooK Co., Ltd., Maxis
SinkSub |
1993 |
Anders Wihlborg
SinkSub Pro |
1996 |
Anders Wihlborg
Six Feet Under[1] |
1994 |
EnQue Software
Skifree |
1991 |
Chris Pirih
Slam! |
1993 |
Robert Epps
Slot Machine |
1990 |
Brett McDonald
Smash'em |
1995 |
Galt Technology
Smithsonian Institution: Dinosaur Museum |
1997 |
Perspective Visuals
Smelly Mystery Starring Mercer Mayer's Little Monster Private Eye, The |
1997 |
Big Tuna New Media, GT Interactive
Snakes |
1991 |
Kevin L. Patch
Snoopy's Campfire Stories |
1996 |
Virgin Sound and Vision
Soccer Management Simulator |
1994 |
Serious Games
Sokobon for Windows |
1992 |
Allan B. Liss
Solar Vengeance |
1994 |
Silicon Commander Games
Solitaire |
1990 |
Microsoft Corporation
Solitaire Golf |
1990 |
Steve Laterra
Space Bucks |
1996 |
Impressions Games, Sierra On-Line
Space Dodge'm |
1994 |
P. Steve Neeley
Space Exploration - Mission Alpha |
1992 |
Jeffrey R. Marken
Space Guard |
1995 |
Cosmi Corporation
SpaceRocks |
1994 |
Eric Lee Steadle, Brian Lowes, Warped Software NQI
Space Rocks |
1993 |
Adam J. Taub, Himom Inc.
Space Traveler |
1993 |
Jeffrey R. Marken
Space Walls |
1990 |
Adam J. Taub, Himom Inc.
Space Walls II |
1992 |
Adam J. Taub, Himom Inc.
Span-It! |
1993 |
Mark T. Chapman
Spectre VR |
1993 |
Velocity Development
Spellbound! |
1993 |
The Learning Company
Spelling Blizzard |
1994 |
Bright Star Technology, Sierra On-Line
Spelling Jungle |
1993 |
Bright Star Technology, Sierra On-Line
Spider |
1991 |
Mark U. Edwards
Spider, Double Deck Solitaire |
1992 |
Troy Miller
Squeaky Mouse |
1994 |
Toru Eguchi, ike
SqueezePlay |
1992 |
Henderson Graphics
Squirmer |
1994 |
Christopher Cifra
Stanley's Sticker Stories |
1996 |
Star Wars Chess |
1993 |
Software Toolworks
Stardate 2140.2: Battles on Distant Planets |
1992 |
Glacier Edge Technology
Stax |
1993 |
Chris Dyer
Stellar Empires |
1993 |
Tahuya Bay Software
Stellar Explorer |
1992 |
Technological Computer Innovations
Stellar Warrior |
1992 |
Michael McAuliffe
Stop the Bus |
1994 |
Martin Davidson
Storybook Weaver |
1994 |
Storybook Weaver Deluxe |
1995 |
Strategy Challenges Collection |
1991 |
Strategy Challenges Collection 2: In the Wild |
1997 |
Street Shuffle |
1994 |
Max Eissler, Maxware
Student Writing Center |
1994 |
The Learning Company
Student Writing & Research Center |
1995 |
The Learning Company
Super Craps |
1993 |
Chris Peterson
Super Tetris |
1991 |
Sphere, Inc., Spectrum Holobyte
Super Video Poker |
1993 |
Elton M. Inada
SwatM |
1993 |
Jim Fox, Mainstay Computer
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