Pattapur is a village in the Ganjam district of Odisha state, India. Belongs Sanakhemundi Block.
Bhubaneswar, the state capital, is located around 190 km from Pattapur. The nearest railway station, Brahmapur, is around 32 km away.
Pattapur's nearest town/city/important place is Digapahandi located at the distance of 9.3 km. Surrounding town/city/TP/CT from Pattapur are as follows.
Digapahandi | 9.3 km |
Hinjilicut | 23 km |
Asika | 27 km |
Brahmapur | 32 km |
Chikiti | 34 km |
Pattapur has a Govt. Hospital, Block, Govt. High School, Govt. College.
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