Operation Ghazanchy - Was an operation by the Azerbaijani army on March 3-4, 1992 to retake the strategically important village of Gazanchi, in the Aghdam district, which had come under the control of Armenia at the beginning of the Karabakh conflict. As a result of the operation, the village came under the control of the Azerbaijani army, and seven soldiers of the Azerbaijani army, were killed as a result of the battle. One of them, Alabbas Iskandarov, was awarded the title of National Hero of Azerbaijan

The operation lasted for two days; the Azerbaijanis successfully seized Gazanchi, making Armenia face heavy casualties and lose a lot of their equipment. However, despite the Azerbaijani victory over Gazanchi, the Armenians recaptured the town during their 1993 Summer Offensives.

See also

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