125 (one hundred [and] twenty-five) is the natural number following 124 and preceding 126.
In mathematics
125 is the cube of 5. It can be expressed as a sum of two squares in two different ways, 125 = 10² + 5² = 11² + 2².[1]
125 and 126 form a Ruth-Aaron pair under the second definition in which repeated prime factors are counted as often as they occur.
Like many other powers of 5, it is a Friedman number in base 10 since 125 = 51 + 2.
125 is the center of a close triplet of perfect powers, (121 = 112, 125 = 53, 128 = 27). Excluding the trivial cases of 0 and 1, the only closer such triplet is (4,8,9) and the only other equally close is (25, 27, 32).[2]
- ^ Wells, D. The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers London: Penguin Group. (1987): 136
- ^ Noe, Anthony. "Solutions to Pillai's equation for n <= 100". Retrieved 5 September 2022.
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