The base table is 10211 for resident single age data since 1846.
The immigrant data needed multiple tables and interpolation. My choice was to use the immigrant numbers from table 07110 (years 1970, 80,86-21), immgirant & immigrant background from table 05183 (years 1970, 80,86-21), the single year age data from table 13055 (years 1970, 80,10-21), grouped age data from table 07111 (years 2001-09).
The emigrant data only exist as a total for each year in table 05803. This was used together with the single year data from table 10211 in order to create a data model prediction for what age and sex the emigrants were based on population chage rates comparing high vs low emigration years. Therefore this part of the chart is not official statistics, just a slightly inaccurate estimate.
As I accumulated emigrants for each year I assumed that the Norwegians in America would have the same mortality rate as Norwegians in Norway.
The boat and flag icons are under creative commons license.
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