Olaf Scholz Wikipedia:BabelenThis user is a native speaker of the English language.yi-4דער באַניצער רעדט ייִדיש כּמעט אַזױ גוט װי זײַן מוטערשפּראַך.he-0משתמש זה אינו מבין עברית (או מבין אותה בקשיים ניכרים).tmr-3האי מיתהנאה משתעי בארמאה דתלמודא בבלאה בדרגא מעליא.ar-0هذا المستخدم لا يفهم حرفا في العربية.es-1Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.en-GB-5This user can contribute at a professional level of British English.LE-0This individual still maintains a shred of dignity in this insane world by adhering to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalisation.Search user languages Self-Portrait This user enjoys photography. ft-lbThis user uses Imperial units. This user is a Jewish resident of Palestine, and believes Zionism is a rejection of the Torah, but is not a member of Neturei Karta either This user is proud to be British. Hebr-5שThis user has full understanding of the Hebrew alphabet. TV-0This user has no television set. This user has no understanding of time and does everything at the last minute. This user does not observe Daylight Saving Time. ;This user is addicted to semicolons; they use them frequently. BBC-Basic-2This user is an intermediate BBC-Basic programmer. This user enjoys Snuffing Nasal Tobacco. Assembly Code-1This user is a beginner Assembly Code programmer. This user ties their own tzitzis. ישיבה This user is a Yeshiva / Kollel / Seminary student. Arab-2عThis user has an intermediate understanding of the Arabic script. No tags for this post. Navigeerimine Kaja KallasMaria-Ann Rohemäe