Sergey Lebedev (Olorulus) is a musicologist living in Moscow and teaching at the Tchaikovsky National Conservatory. He received a Ph.D. in Musicology from the Сonservatory in 1988. His thesis is entitled Modal Harmony Problems in Early Renaissance Music (academic advisor Prof.Dr. Yuri Kholopov). He participated as a Humboldt fellow in the Lexicon musicum Latinum project at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in 1990-92, was a University of Vienna Guest Professor in 1997-8, and has been a member of Editorial Commitee of the international project Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum since 1992. Author of several books, including a critical edition of Carthusian treatises on music (15th century), Finale Book for Russians, Musica Latina anthology (collection of Latin texts related to music with Russian translation and comments), and a bilingual (Latin / Russian) new edition of Boethius' Institutio musica (2012, with commentary and studies), over 200 articles in the Great Russian Encyclopedia, and other encyclopedic and scholarly articles (in Russian, German, Bulgarian).

Official web page is available in Russian.

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la-3Hic usor callidissima latinitate contribuere potest.
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fr-1Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
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