I don't exist any more. Suzhou is excited about a TSE again in 300 years... Longest TSE visible in China in 3rd millennium occurs in Ruoergai, Sichuan for 6m 30s.
^Only considering maximum of eclipse. Strikethrough text if the moment of maximum is before sunrise or after sunset, indicating that only a smaller magnitude is actually visible.
^If the 4th contact is after sunset and thus not visible, sunset time in underlined text is used instead.
^Only considering maximum of eclipse. Same value regardless of the location. Strikethrough text if the moment of maximum is before moonrise or after moonset, indicating that only a smaller magnitude is actually visible.
^If the 1st contact is before moonrise and thus not visible, moonrise time in underlined text is used instead as start of partial phase.
^If the 2nd contact is before moonrise and thus not visible, moonrise time in underlined text is used instead as start of total phase.
^If the 3rd contact is after moonset and thus not visible, moonset time in underlined text is used instead as end of total phase.
^If the 4th contact is after moonset and thus not visible, moonset time in underlined text is used instead as end of partial phase.