Maria-Ann Rohemäe Geologic formation in Kentucky, United States The Crab Orchard Formation is a geologic formation in Kentucky, United States. It dates back to the Telychian to Aeronian stages of the Silurian period.[1] References ^ The Silurian of central Kentucky, U.S.A.: Stratigraphy, palaeoenvironments and palaeoecology Further reading Contributions to the Geology of Kentucky: Silurian System Chronostratigraphy of KentuckyPhPzCMViséan Paoli Formation DUpper New Albany Shale Ohio Shale Chattanooga Shale Middle Sellersburg Limestone Jeffersonville Limestone Boyle Formation Lower Clear Creek Formation Back Bone Formation Grassy Knob Formation Flat Gap Formation Onondaga Limestone Oriskany Formation Helderburg Group SLudlowLudfordian Louisville Limestone Gorstian Louisville Limestone WenlockHomerian Laurel Formation Louisville Limestone Waldron Shale Sheinwoodian Bisher Formation Laurel Formation Osgood Formation LlandoveryTelychian Alger Shale Brassfield Formation Crab Orchard Formation Drowning Creek Formation Noland Formation Osgood Formation Aeronian Brassfield Formation Crab Orchard Formation Drowning Creek Formation Noland Formation Rhuddanian Brassfield Formation Drowning Creek Formation OUpperKatian Kope Formation Lexington Limestone Sandbian Lexington Limestone Tyrone Formation Maquoketa ShaleMiddleDarriwilian St. Peter Sandstone Wells Creek Formation LowerTremadocian Gunter Sandstone ЄFurongianPaibian Eau Claire Formation Mt. Simon Sandstone No tags for this post. Navigeerimine Olaf ScholzAnton Dolin