The family of succession templates is one with many members, and each has a different name and function. On top of that, most templates also have parameters, the number of which may range from one to more than ten. The purpose of this page is to list the templates and their parameters in a simple way, and it can serve both as a useful introductory guide to succession templates for editors inexperienced in this field and as a practical reminder of the system's details to more seasoned contributors.
The list constitutes the second section of this page; the first section introduces the important concept of parameters and categorises them, so that their descriptions in the list can be brief. The mere mention of the categories' names can then tell the editors exactly how a parameter must be used. If you are already familiar with this classification or it does not affect your search, you can go straight to the list by clicking here or by using the table of contents below.
Reminder: To avoid causing lint errors and potential issues with page display, always finalize a sequence of succession box templates with s-end (except when ending with s-ref).
As opposed to many ordinary templates, most succession templates require the editor to include names, titles, or other text other than the automated template names. Such text is inserted into the templates by means of parameters, single words separated from the template name and from each other by means of pipes ( | ) whose function is to alter the appearance of the cells created by these templates. When a template is to include manual text, that is separated from the parameter word by a plus sign ( = ).
Most succession templates accept parameters, the inclusion of some which is essential for the correct function of the templates, while the inclusion of others is optional. The only templates that do not accept any parameters are s-start/start, s-end/end, and most of the header templates.
The parameters can be classified into five categories: the row parameter, title parameters, basic obligatory parameters, basic optional parameters, and complementary parameters. The three following sections examine the types of parameters that the templates in the corresponding cells can accept.
Predecessor/successor cells
These cells name the subject's predecessor and/or successor in an office or title, therefore the parameters in them usually affect the details of each succession chain's continuation in both directions.
- The row parameter: It always comes right after the template name and defines the number of rows a cell will take up in a succession box (the default number is one). It is of the form rows=x, where the appropriate number should filled in the place of the "x". For more information about tables, see the Documentation page.
- Title parameters: They follow the row parameter. These optional parameters change the basic label that appears in most templates. (S-non is an exception, as its message is entirely customisable.) Only one of them can be used in each template, and they are inserted as they are (no additional text is added).
- Basic obligatory parameters: These are crucial to the purposes of the templates that include them and their presence is essential for the templates to work in addition to the importance of the information in these fields. The "before" parameter in s-bef is one of them; without it the cell will display the message {{before}} instead of any useful information.
- Basic optional parameters: They offer additional information, and their presence, though often desirable, is not essential for the correct function of their respective templates. These include the "last" and "next" parameters in s-vac, the "heir" parameter in s-inc, and the "reason" parameter in s-new.
- Complementary parameters: These offer information that serves either to clarify/disambiguate or to adapt the succession line to special transitory or other occasions. These include the "reason" parameter in s-vac and the "as" parameter wherever acceptable.
Title cell
The row parameter: As above.
Basic obligatory parameters: This is the "title" parameter in s-ttl and s-tul.
Basic optional parameters: This is the "years" parameter in s-ttl and s-tul.
Complementary parameters: These include the three "regentx" parameters and their corresponding "yearx" parameters, and the "alongside" and "lords" parameters, all in s-ttl.
Title parameters: They are the only ones in their respective templates. As of January 2008, the headers that accept parameters are ten, and though in all of them parameters are optional in theory, the usage of some is compelled by current practice. In cases of optional parameters, it may or may not be required to leave a pipe after the template name for the default forms ("empty parameter").
List of templates and their parameters
Here follows a directory of all the non-header templates, with basic information about each: their place in the succession lines (predecessor (left), title (middle), or successor (right) cell), the main information they convey, and all the parameters they accept with their type (as described above) and a brief description. There is also a section for headers, with more limited information about each.
Title cell template
Basic information: Name of title, dates of reign/term
Parameters (in this order):
- rows – It determines the table's layout
- title – Basic obligatory; the name of the title is filled in here
- creation – Complementary; number of creation for peerage titles created multiple times (incompatible with "dynasty")
- dynasty – Complementary; name or number of dynasty to which a ruler belongs (incompatible with "creation")
- years – Basic optional; dates of reign/term, either full dates or plain years (Guidelines)
- regent1 – Complementary; name of person jointly holding an office with the subject
- years1 – Complementary; (needs "regent1") years of first regent unless regent's term entirely overlaps that of the subject
- regent2 – Complementary; (needs "regent1") name of second regent
- years2 – Complementary; (needs "regent2") years of second regent
- regent3 – Complementary; (needs "regent2") name of third regent
- years3 – Complementary; (needs "regent3") years of third regent
- alongside – Complementary; name or names of other MP's in the same constituency, Senators from the same state, etc.
- lords – Complementary; years of subject's term in the House of Lords
Title cell template (Used for titular rulers or titles in pretence)
Basic information: Name of title, indication that it is titular, dates of claim
Parameters (in this order):
- rows – It determines the table's layout
- title – Basic obligatory; the name of the title claimed is filled in here
- years – Basic optional; dates of claim, either full dates or plain years (Guidelines)
Predecessor cell template
Basic information: Name of predecessor
Parameters (in this order):
- rows – It determines the table's layout
- before – Basic obligatory; name or title of predecessor (Guidelines)
- as – Complementary; predecessor's title/office if different from that of the subject
Successor cell template
Basic information: Name or title of successor
Parameters (in this order):
- rows – It determines the table's layout
- after – Basic obligatory; name or title of successor (Guidelines)
- as – Complementary; successor's title/office if different from that of the subject
Predecessor cell template (Used in beginning of chains)
Basic information: "New title" message
Parameters (in this order):
- rows – It determines the table's layout
- creation – Title; replaces the "New title" message with "New creation"
- constituency – Title; replaces the "New title" message with "New constituency"
- diocese – Title; replaces the "New title" message with "New diocese"
- district – Title; replaces the "New title" message with "New district"
- division – Title; replaces the "New title" message with "New division"
- first – Title; replaces the "New title" message with "First"
- institution – Title; replaces the "New title" message with "New institution"
- loss – Title; replaces the "New title" message with "Loss of title"
- party – Title; replaces the "New title" message with "New political party"
- regiment – Title; replaces the "New title" message with "New regiment"
- seat – Title; replaces the "New title" message with "New seat"
- reason – Basic optional; the reason behind the creation of the title
Successor cell template (Used in conclusion of chains)
Basic information: Reason for end of title
Parameters (in this order):
- rows – It determines the table's layout
- reason – Basic obligatory; the reason for the discontinuation of the title
Successor cell template (Used in temporarily concluded chains, i.e. current holders)
Basic information: "Incumbent" message
Templates (in this order):
- rows – It determines the table's layout
- current – Title; replaces the "Incumbent" message with "Current holder"
- recent – Title; replaces the "Incumbent" message with "Most recent"
- heir – Basic optional; name of designated heir
- heir-type – Complementary; it replaces the "Designated heir:" label with a custom title for the heir
Predecessor and successor cell template (Used for chain interruptions, i.e. vacancies)
Basic information: "Vacant" message, last/next holder
Parameters (in this order):
- rows – It determines the table's layout
- abeyance – Title; replaces the "Vacant" message with "In abeyance"
- commission – Title; replaces the "Vacant" message with "In commission"
- disclaimed – Title; replaces the "Vacant" message with "Disclaimed"
- dormant – Title; replaces the "Vacant" message with "Dormant"
- forfeit – Title; replaces the "Vacant" message with "Forfeit"
- recreated – Title; replaces the "Vacant" message with "Recreated"
- suspended – Title; replaces the "Vacant" message with "Suspended"
- unknown – Title; replaces the "Vacant" message with "Unknown"
- last – Basic optional; previous holder of office, before vacancy (predecessor cell only)
- next – Basic optional; following holder of office, after vacancy (successor cell only)
- unknlast – Basic optional; last known holder of office in case of missing succession information (predecessor cell only, to be used with the "unknown" parameter)
- unknnext – Basic optional; next known holder of office in case of missing succession information (successor cell only, to be used with the "unknown" parameter)
- reason – Complementary; brief reasoning for vacancy (not to be used with the "unknown" parameter)
- as – Complementary; predecessor/successor's title if different from that of the subject
As of January 2008, there are 27 header templates for succession boxes. Out of these, ten accept parameters, creating a total of about 250 different headers. This list gives a brief description of the type of titles each header is used for and gives more details for those that take parameters. The templates' names link to their articles, where you can find exhaustive lists of their parameters. For further information on the usage of headers please see the Guidelines page.
- S-aca – Offices in academic institutions
- S-ach – Awards and achievements
- Three long parameters and three shorter versions for Achievements ("achievements" and "ach"), Awards ("awards" and "aw"), and Records ("records" and "rec").
- S-bus – Titles in private businesses
- S-civ – Civic offices
- Three parameters for police ("pol"), fire ("fir"), and medical ("med") appointments
- S-court – Posts in royal courts
- S-culture – Offices in cultural institutions
- S-dip – Diplomatic posts
- S-edu – Offices in educational institutions
- S-gov – Appointed government posts
- S-herald – Heraldic offices
- S-hon – Honorary titles
- S-legal – Offices related to the law
- S-lit – Special header for series of works of literature
- S-media – Offices in the media
- S-mil – Military offices
- S-npo – Positions in non-profit organisations
- Nine parameters, including one for Freemasonry and several related to Scouting
- S-off – Elected officials
- S-other – Offices not covered by the other headers
- S-par – Parliament/Congress seats
- More than a hundred parameters for various national, state, territorial, and regional assemblies
- S-ppo – Titles related to political parties
- S-pre – Titles held in pretence
- S-prec – Orders of precedence
- Four parameters for orders of precedence in England and Wales ("ew"), in Scotland ("sct"), in the United Kingdom ("uk"), and in the United States ("usa")
- S-reg – Without parameters: Regnal titles; with parameters: titles of nobility
- More than twenty parameters for various peerages, baronetages, and national groups of titles of nobility
- S-rel – Religious titles
- Ten parameters for various religions
- S-roy – Non-regnal royal titles
- More than sixty parameters for various royal families
- S-sports – Sports-related titles and offices
- One parameter for the Gaelic Games ("gaa")
- S-wea – Weather phenomena for each year
- Four parameters for Global weather by year ("glo"), Tornados by year ("tor"), United States weather by year ("us"), and Severe winter weather by year ("win")