The following telephone numbers in Chile are geographic area codes for all national and international calls terminating in Chile.

Geographic area codes

No geographic area codes exist in Chile; all calls within Chile are considered local calls. All numbers contain 9 digits and there is no difference among land-line, mobile and VoIP

Transition to area code deprecation

In 2012 and 2013, land lines were renumbered, with an additional digit 2 prepended.[1] The change was rolled out gradually by area code; first in Santiago (Region Metropolitana) and Arica in late 2012, then throughout all remaining regions between March and July 2013.

During that transitional period, when calling a landline, area code and an extra 2 were added at the beginning of the number, or between the area code and number. E.g. a formerly seven digit Santiago number (02) XXX XXXX became 22X XXX XXX, and a formerly six digit Punta Arenas number (061) YYY YYY became 612 YYY YYY.

The process was completed in September 2016.

Total number portability

Total number portability exists in Chile,[2] so users can freely move from one service provider to another without losing their number, regardless of connection technology, whether land-line, mobile or VoIP. Therefore, a number beginning with "8" or "9" no longer denotes that it is a mobile phone number.

Special services

There is a group of special numbers for public services, and they are in the format 1XY. The most important ones are:

  • 130 Forest fires (Incendios forestales)
  • 131 Ambulance (SAMU)
  • 132 Firefighters (Bomberos)
  • 133 Police Emergency (Emergencias Policiales)
  • 134 Investigaciones
  • 135 Drug usage prevention hot line (Fono drogas)[3]
  • 136 Mountain Rescue (Cuerpo de Socorro Andino)
  • 137 Sea Rescue (Rescate Marítimo de la Armada)
  • 139 Police Information (Informaciones Policiales)
  • 147 Child abuse prevention (Fono niños)
  • 149 Family Violence (Fono familia)

Long-distance carriers

In Chile it is necessary to choose the carrier for international long-distance calls every time and therefore to obtain the best rate for any destination. Long-distance carriers have a prefix that must be dialed when calling long distance: XXX + 0 + country code + area + phone

The current carrier codes are:[4]

  • 110 Claro Chile
  • 111 VTR Chile
  • 112 Convergia Chile
  • 113 Transam
  • 114 Chile
  • 115 Empresa de Telecomunicaciones Netonone
  • 116 Heilsberg
  • 119 Concert Chile
  • 120 Globus
  • 121 Telefónica del Sur
  • 122 Gtd Manquehue
  • 123 Entel Larga Distancia
  • 124 GSP Chile
  • 125 Equant Chile
  • 127 Sur Telecomunicaciones
  • 151 Astro
  • 153 STEL-CHILE S.A
  • 154 MiCarrier Telecomunicaciones
  • 155 Claro Chile
  • 158 Fibersat
  • 169 Carrier 169
  • 170 Impsat Chile
  • 170 Global Crossing
  • 171 Claro Chile
  • 176 NetChile
  • 177 Empresa de Transporte de Señales
  • 180 Hogar de Cristo
  • 181 Movistar
  • 188 Telefónica CTC

Mobile phone numbers

Mobile phone numbers do not have a specific starting digit.[5]

See also


  1. ^ "Región Metropolitana se prepara para Cambio de Numeración en Telefonía Fija". Subsecretario de Telecomunicaciones.
  2. ^ "Qué es la Portabilidad Numérica". Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones.
  3. ^ "135 - FONO DROGAS". Archived from the original on April 30, 2009. Retrieved 2009-05-02.
  4. ^ "Lista de carriers en Chile". Retrieved 2010-03-29.
  5. ^ "Chile" (PDF). International Telecommunication Union. 2016. Archived (PDF) from the original on November 22, 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2023.
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